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Keith Kelley endorsed by Alabama Independent Automobile Dealers Association

Alabama Independent Automobile Dealers Association CEO Randy Jones announced the association has endorsed Republican Keith Kelley.

Keith Kelley

Alabama Independent Automobile Dealers Association CEO Randy Jones this week announced that the association has endorsed Republican Keith Kelley to serve as the next senator for Alabama Senate District 12.

Kelley, a conservative who has spent his career operating a small business in Anniston, is running in the 2022 election cycle to replace retiring long-time Sen. Del Marsh.

“AIADA is proud to offer our strong endorsement of Keith Kelley, a conservative small businessman who knows what it means to sign both sides of a paycheck,” said Jones. “Keith will be a commonsense, pro-jobs voice for hardworking Alabamians in Montgomery. We are excited to see him serve with honesty and integrity – the values at the heart of the Alabama Independent Automobile Dealers Association.”

The president of Harris-McKay Realty for more than 26 years, Kelley started his first business at the age of 19. He has previously served as president of the Alabama Association of Realtors and on the National Association of Realtors board of directors, as well as in additional leadership roles in other civic and charitable organizations. Kelley was born and raised in Calhoun County.

“I am grateful to have the support of Alabama’s independent auto dealers,” said Kelley. “Having spent my own career operating a small business, I know firsthand that the best thing government can often do is to get out of the way. As a job creator and political outsider, I will provide the leadership that Northeast Alabama needs to ensure that our communities grow and thrive. I look forward to fighting for our Christian conservative values and bettering the lives of hardworking families across our area in the Senate.”

The Alabama Political Reporter is a daily political news site devoted to Alabama politics. We provide accurate, reliable coverage of policy, elections and government.

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As I look back on my time in the Alabama Senate, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of representing you.