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Katie Britt polls slightly ahead of Mo Brooks in second internal poll

The latest poll puts Britt slightly ahead of Brooks 24 percent to 22 percent, among the 650 Republican voters surveyed.

Republican Senate candidate Katie Britt, left, and Congressman Mo Brooks, right.

A second recent poll puts Katie Britt slightly ahead of Congressman Mo Brooks in the Republican primary race for the U.S. Senate. 

Information on the latest poll conducted by Cygnal for Alabama Conservatives Fund, a political PAC that supports Britt, found that among the 650 Republican voters polled Nov. 4 through Nov. 5, Britt received support from 24 percent over Brooks, who garnered 22 percent. 

The Cygnal poll also puts Britt ahead of Brooks in a runoff, with Britt at 35 percent and Brooks at 29 percent. The survey has a margin of error of +/-3.84 percent.

A memo from Cygnal on the poll notes that Cygnal conducted a survey on Oct. 21 through 22, prior to the advertising campaign of the Alabama Conservatives Fund, which had Brooks ahead of Britt 26 percent to 14 percent. 

The latest poll backs up the results of another recent internal poll by the Britt campaign that put Britt at 31 percent compared to Brooks at 30 percent. 

Eddie Burkhalter is a reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter. You can email him at [email protected] or reach him via Twitter.

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