Despite publicly heavily criticizing both the Green New Deal and the Biden administration’s energy policies that focus on renewable energy, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks, a candidate for U.S. Senate, has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in companies that benefit the most from those programs.
Public financial disclosures made by Brooks show that he — once dubbed one of the “poorest members of Congress” by “Roll Call” — owns between $100,001 and $250,000 worth of Dominion Energy stock and between $250,001 and $500,000 in Duke Energy, in addition to other investments.
Both Dominion and Duke have benefited substantially from President Joe Biden’s push for renewable energy, and both companies lobbied the White House to move away from coal and natural gas and towards renewables. The subsidies earned by both companies could total into the millions of dollars — all the result of Green New Deal-like policies from the Biden administration.
In the meantime, however, Brooks has railed against those same policies, calling the Green New Deal the “Green Raw Deal” and suggesting it belonged in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “garbage disposal.” He’s also referred to it, and to the Biden energy policy, as “socialist.”
Dominion has also come under fire of late for a political donation it made in Virginia. The company gave $250,000 to a left-leaning political action committee that used the funds to purchase ads. The company later said it would be asking for the donation to be returned.
Last week, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, wrote a letter to Dominion CEO Robert Blue asking if the donation has been returned and whether Democratic candidate Terry McCauliffe had influenced the donation.
Brooks also owns between $100,001 and $250,000 in Berkshire Hathaway stock. Berkshire last year purchased a portion of Dominion’s gas and storage operation.
This all comes on the heels of revelations of Books’ questionable Pfizer stock purchases and sale.