More than 20 Republican minority leaders from across Alabama participated in the launch of the Alabama Republican Party’s new Minority Outreach coalition during a press conference at party headquarters in Hoover this week.
“I am here to tell you that the Alabama Republican Party is proud to support and encourage minorities. The Democrat Party wants you to believe that all minorities share their liberal views, but we are here today to challenge that false stereotype. There are thousands of conservative people in minority groups across this state, and they deserve to be recognized,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl.
State Rep. Kenneth Paschal, R-Shelby County, who made news this summer when he became the first Republican African-America elected to the Alabama Legislature since Reconstruction, is the director of the team and will coordinate efforts in the Birmingham metro.
“The voters in House District 73 have all but shown evidence that Dr. King, his dream is alive in Shelby County and in Alabama,” Paschal said. “Their votes were not based on the color of my skin. They cast their votes because they saw a God-fearing man with integrity, who protects and defends the Constitution, who served his country and is proud to salute the flag, recite our pledge, and sing the national anthem in a voice that is loud and firm, and even sometimes off key.”
He was joined by Co-Director Belinda Thomas, the first female African-American city councilwoman of Newton, Alabama. She will also coordinate efforts in East Central Alabama.
“This is an honor. I’m hoping we can come together and right Alabama’s history. I’m hoping we can come together and reach as many people because our country needs it. We need is as individuals. We don’t want to lose any battles. We don’t want to lose any wars. And I’m determined with everything that’s in me to make sure that I do my part in uplifting, educating, and supporting,” she said.
Rounding out the leadership team are George Williams (South Alabama), William Green (West Central Alabama), and Christian Horn (North Alabama). Following the press conference, the group held a three-hour organizational meeting, where they laid out the framework for their efforts.