Governor Kay Ivey has awarded nearly $2.8 million to help Alabamians who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless to obtain shelter and other related services.
The funds from the federal Emergency Solutions Grants program will enable 13 regional agencies to provide shelter, legal and health services and other assistance to help individuals and families who face losing their homes or are already homeless.
“Alabama is a state where neighbors help neighbors, and we want to ensure we provide support for those who may be struggling the most,” said Ivey. “These funds are intended to serve as a safety net to ensure that residents are provided a roof over their heads as they work to get back on their feet economically.”
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grants from funds made available by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ADECA administers an array of programs supporting law enforcement and traffic safety, economic development, energy conservation, water resource management and recreation development.
“Emergency Solutions Grants, in addition to helping people obtain housing, involve measures to assist them with regaining their financial footing and becoming self-sufficient,” ADECA Director Kenneth Boswell said. “ADECA joins with Gov. Ivey and these local agencies to provide this assistance to families at a time they need it the most.”
Listed below are the awarded agencies, the amount, area served and sub-recipient agencies.
- City of Huntsville – $500,000 (city of Huntsville) The city will contract with AshaKiran Inc., Community Action Partnership of Huntsville/Madison and Limestone Counties Inc., Crisis Services Center Inc., Family Services Center Inc., First Stop Inc. and RiahRose Home for Children to provide emergency services and homeless prevention.
- City of Florence – $300,000 (Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Marion and Winston counties) The city will contract with the Salvation Army of the Shoals and Safeplace Inc. to find housing for the homeless and assist people at risk of losing their homes.
- Marshall County Home Place Inc. – $33,000 (Marshall County) The agency will provide transitional housing for the homeless.
- 2nd Chance Inc. – $341,169 (Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne, Etowah Randolph and Talladega counties) The agency provides emergency shelter and rapid re-housing for victims of domestic violence.
- Pathways Inc. – $26,000 (Jefferson County) Pathways will provide emergency shelter to homeless women and their children.
- Shelby County Commission – $153,700 (Shelby County) The county will contract with Family Connection Inc., Safehouse of Shelby County Inc. and Shelby Emergency Assistance to provide housing and emergency assistance.
- City of Tuscaloosa – $225,000 (city of Tuscaloosa) The city will contract with the Salvation Army, SAN Inc. (Turning Point) and Temporary Emergency Services to provide outreach, emergency shelter and homeless prevention.
- Dallas County Family Resource Center – $100,000 (Dallas County) The center will provide emergency shelter and homeless prevention assistance and rapid re-housing to homeless persons or those at risk of losing their homes.
- Montgomery Area Coalition for the Homeless Inc. – $500,000 (Autauga, Bullock, Elmore, Lowndes and Montgomery counties) The coalition will provide street outreach, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing and homeless prevention. It contracts with the Family Sunshine Center, Friendship Mission Inc. and the Salvation Army for some of the services.
- Family Promise of Baldwin County – $99,000 (Baldwin County) Family Promise will provide emergency shelter, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance.
- Salvation Army’s Family Haven Program – $200,000 (Mobile and Baldwin counties) The program provides emergency shelter for families within the two counties.
- Mobile Area Interfaith Conference Inc. – $106,000 (Mobile County) The agency assists with housing needs for recently released inmates from the Mobile County Metro Jail and locals released from state and federal correction institutions.
- Penelope House Inc. – $200,000 (city of Mobile) Penelope House provides emergency shelter to domestic violence victims. The agency consults with Family Promise of Coastal Alabama and McKemie Place to assist homeless persons.