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Alabama GOP congressmen vote against Democrats’ abortion bill

The bill narrowly passed the House and now moves to the Senate.


The six Alabama Republican congressmen voted against  HR3755, the pro-abortion law that would effectively nullify state laws restricting abortions and regulating abortion providers.

Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, released a statement explaining his “no” vote.

“I voted ‘No’ on HR3755, a radical bill that usurps states’ rights and legalizes killings of viable unborn American babies up to and including when a mother is in labor,” Brooks said. “Socialist Democrats’ radical, pro-abortion position has shifted from ‘safe, legal, and rare’ to, in some places, pro-infanticide. Their extreme position is repulsive & science denial of the first order because science confirms that human life begins at conception.”

Rep. Barry Moore, R-Alabama, also issued a statement after voting against HR3755, which his office referred to as “the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act.”

“Democrats’ determination to terminate innocent human life is beyond the pale,” Moore said. “This life-killing legislation legalizes abortion on demand, opening the floodgates to killing millions of infant lives – all worthy of saving. Trampling over state laws, this bill overturns nearly every pro-life protection that Alabama has in place, including current safeguards for any baby determined to be viable. At the time of viability testing, babies have a heartbeat, all their major organs, and can even feel pain. Yet under the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, none of these protections would stay in place to save unborn Alabamians. As an unapologetic pro-life conservative, I will never stop fighting Democrats’ radical attacks to undermine the sanctity of life.”

Congressman Gary Palmer, R-Alabama, commented before the vote.

“Democrats vote today to pass their radical pro-abortion bill that would erase virtually all state laws that protect children in the womb and protect women’s rights to be informed about their child’s development and about what an abortion procedure entails,” Palmer said. “We must reject such callous disregard for life. I will always stand for the right to life for unborn children and for the right to safety and information for women.”

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Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Alabama, said: “Extreme, radical, unprecedented. Those three words describe the Democrats abortion bill that was voted on today in Congress. But this Abortion on Demand legislation doesn’t change the fact that abortion stops an innocent, human heartbeat. We must #FightForLife and protect the most vulnerable among us.”

Rep. Jerry Carl, R-Alabama, said: “Pro-abortion radicals in Congress are working around the clock to eliminate even the most basic protections for unborn children at any stage of development. This morning, we are voting on a terrible pro-abortion bill to allow abortions to happen for any reason at any point in a pregnancy. I’m proud to be 100 percent pro-life, and I will continue fighting ANY efforts to take away the rights and protections of unborn children.”

The legislation passed the House 218 to 211 with no Republicans voting in favor. It now goes to the Senate for their consideration.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban case on Dec. 1.

HR3755 codifies the right to abortion up to the birth of the baby in federal law and prevents states from enforcing current laws that protect the unborn.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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