Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, spoke to a meeting of the Alabama Conservative Coalition hosted by the Republican Women of Shelby County. Brooks is running in the 2022 election for U.S. Senate.
“I am the MAGA candidate,” Brooks said. “I am the proven conservative in this race.”
“I have been married for 45 years to my lovely wife Martha,” Brooks said. “All four children have finished college and gotten jobs and all four married people who finished college; and also work for a living. We have ten grandchildren with three on the way.”
“If you want a conservative, you can look at me and know that I believe in our philosophy of government.”
“In 1982 running for Alabama House District 18 I was the target of voter fraud,” Brooks said. “Eleven out of 45 machines would register a vote for everybody but Mo Brooks.”
“I was appointed by Guy Hunt as district attorney,” Brooks said. “I ran for election in 1992 and lost.”
“I ran for county commission and unseated an incumbent,” Brooks said.
Brooks said that to win his congressional seat he beat an incumbent that had switched from the Democrats and was embraced by “the establishment.”
“John Boehner came in my district campaigning for this party switcher,” Brooks said.
“I have been elected as a Republican more times than anyone else in the state,” Brooks said.
Brooks said that in his congressional defenses for re-election, “Never has a challenger gotten more than 46 percent of the vote in either a primary election or a general election.”
Brooks said that he is supporting the MAGA agenda.
“Freedomworks has endorsed me and so has Club for Growth,” Brooks said.
Brooks said of his three primary opponents, “They have never held public office before. They have never been in the heat of battle before.”
“Jim Demint and the Senate Conservatives Fund they have endorsed me,” Brooks said. “They know that Mo Brooks represents conservative values.”
Brooks was peppered with questions about his commitment to overturning the 2020 election results and urging him to find a way to impeach President Joe Biden.
“I was the leader in the election contest effort,” Brooks said. “We got 156 congressman and Senators to vote with us on questioning the election results. I gave nine speeches on the house floor.”
“It is the job of Congress, not the courts,” to certify the election results for President. “It is our job.”
“I was shot at,” Brooks said referring to the assassin who fired at Republican members of Congress practicing baseball. “My name was on a list in the shooter’s pocket. All six were House Freedom Caucus members.”
“No one has spoken more than me,” about the voter fraud Brooks said. “I have been working on these audits. 90 percent of the costs are being paid for out of the pockets of citizens. Governments aren’t taking responsibility like they should.”
“Here is in August and we don’t have the first audit done,” Brooks lamented.
“The Democrats are trying to legalize voter fraud and election theft,” Brooks warned.
“In my lifetime conservatives have never had the House and the Senate,” Brooks said. “The last time Republicans had control we couldn’t get things done because of the RINOs in our party.”
“You probably did not support Doug Jones,” Brooks said. “He was the swing vote for Obamacare.”
Brooks said that if Roy Moore had been elected instead to Jones that he would have voted to repeal Obamacare.
“Two of the Senate candidates in this race were part of the team to elect Doug Jones,” Brooks charged.
Brooks blamed Richard Shelby for Jones’ election because of his advocacy for writing in a candidate rather than voting for the GOP nominee, Moore, in 2017.
Brooks alleged that one of his opponents, “Has been a special interest lobbyist for the very people that want to open up the floodgates to immigration. They want to legalize them all. I want to not only stop illegal aliens from coming in I want to outlaw this tsunami of legal immigrants coming in.”
The Republican primary is May 24, 2022.