Alabama Congressmen Mike Rogers and Gary Palmer released comments on the troubling U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“For four months, Republicans have demanded to know the President’s plan to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies and conduct counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan,” Rogers said. “For four months, they’ve told us they’re working on it. It is now clear they never had a plan.”
“This situation is nothing short of an unmitigated disaster and an utter betrayal of our citizens and allies,” Palmer said. “The Biden Administration must take responsibility for those still trapped in Afghanistan and for the international security emergency now spinning out of control. President Biden’s weak leadership has put our country’s security at greater risk than ever. By leaving behind a vast amount of weapons, Biden has not only compromised our national security, but has also made the world a more dangerous place. By leaving behind American citizens and our Afghan allies, he has undermined the trust of our allies and dangerously emboldened our enemies. The Administration needs to send a clear message that we will get all of our people out, no matter how long or what measures it requires. The world is watching, and America has a duty to lead from strength and do whatever it takes to bring our people home. And even when the words of this Administration ring hollow, my colleagues and I want to emphasize that America’s word to its citizens and allies can still be taken as true. Our friends and allies need to differentiate between the American people, who can be trusted, and the incompetent and dishonest Biden Administration, which clearly cannot be trusted.”
“The President’s abject failure to plan is endangering the lives of thousands of Americans civilians and our allies in Afghanistan,” Rogers said. “Reports have been rolling in for over a week of Americans being assaulted or having to hide from Taliban thugs while they wait days for rescue. Afghan allies are being brutalized and killed by these terrorists as they desperately try to get inside the gates of the Kabul airport. And that’s just those lucky enough to be in Kabul. Thousands of Americans and Afghan allies are still stranded hundreds of miles away from Kabul with little hope of rescue.”
“Now comes an ultimatum from the terrorists that if our forces don’t withdraw by next Tuesday, they will start shooting,” Rogers said. “President Biden needs to make it clear to the Taliban that the United States of America does not take orders from terrorists. The President must vow to the American people that the deadline for leaving Afghanistan is when every American is safely out of Afghanistan.
“As President, Joe Biden has an obligation to get every American safely out of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan before he abandons the effort,” Rogers said. “There was nothing magical about the August 31st deadline when President Biden arbitrarily decided on it months ago and there’s nothing magical about it now.”
Rogers slammed House Democrats.
“So what’s the response from the majority?” Rogers said. “Well, Speaker Pelosi called us back to Washington, but not to deal with the dire situation in Afghanistan. No, we’re here today to vote on a partisan $4 trillion giveaway to the radical left. A bill that doesn’t include a single dollar to rescue Americans or our allies in Afghanistan.”
Rogers represents Alabama’s 3rd Congressional District. Palmer represents Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.