Grover Norquist on Monday thanked Katie Britt for her signing the “no new taxes” pledge. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Britt announced that she has officially signed Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
Britt is the first candidate in the 2022 Senate race to sign the pledge as a candidate for Senate. Britt called on the rest of the field to follow her lead.
“I’m proud to be the first to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge as a candidate in this important Senate race,” Britt said in a statement. “My pledge is simple: As Alabama’s next U.S. Senator, I will not support any tax increases. Today, I’m calling on my opponent to join me in making this commitment to the people of our great state.”
“The federal government already gets too much of Alabamians’ hard-earned money,” Britt continued. “I want to put money back in the pockets of Alabama families, who know how to spend it better than the bureaucrats and career politicians in Washington. The corrosive tax-and-spend culture in D.C. continues to push our nation down the road towards socialism, and it’s time for the next generation to stand up and fight to preserve the American Dream for our children and our children’s children.”
ATR was founded in 1985 by Grover Norquist at the request of President Ronald Reagan. The taxpayer advocacy organization opposes all tax increases as a matter of principle and believes in a system in which taxes are simpler, flatter, more visible and lower than they are today.
Norquist released a video to thank Britt for her commitment to not support any tax increases in the Senate.
“We ask all candidates for federal office to commit to the citizens of their state to oppose any and all tax increases,” said Norquist. “Senator (Richard) Shelby took the pledge and kept it to the people of Alabama. And today Katie Britt is making that commitment in writing to all the taxpayers of Alabama to oppose tax increases. Only when tax increases are off the table do politicians ever get to reforming government to cost less. Katie Britt, thank you for your commitment to the American people and Alabama taxpayers.”
The pledge reads as follows:
I, Katie Britt, pledge to the taxpayers of the state of Alabama, and to the American people that I will:
oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and
oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.
Britt signed the pledge at the Madison County Republican Men’s Club Breakfast on Saturday. Two signed onto the pledge as witnesses: Chris Horn, chairman of the Tennessee Valley Republican Club, and State Rep. Andy Whitt, R-Harvest.
The pledge was then displayed for the entire crowd to view while Britt addressed the group.
The gathering of approximately 300 conservatives gave Britt a standing ovation following her remarks.
The Taxpayer Protection Pledge is ATR’s signature project.
Britt is running in a crowded GOP field that includes former Ambassador to Slovenia Lynda Blanchard, Congressman Mo Brooks and businesswoman Jessica Fair Taylor. Former Brighton Mayor Brandaun Dean is running as a Democrat. Incumbent Sen. Richard Shelby has announced that he is not seeking re-election.
The Republican primary will be May 24, 2022.