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Blanchard has the most cash, Britt, the most contributions, Brooks spent the most

Katie Britt leads all of the U.S. Senate candidates in contributions despite being a late entrant into the race.

From left to right: Republican Senate candidates Katie Britt, Mo Brooks and Lynda Blanchard.

Four Republicans and one Democrat are presently running for U.S. Senate in 2022. The latest Federal Election Commission reports for the second quarter, which ended on June 30, show that Katie Britt leads all of the U.S. Senate candidates in contributions despite being a late entrant into the race.

Katie Britt, a former Business Council of Alabama president and CEO, reports having raised $2,231,010 in the second quarter even though she just launched her campaign in June. Britt received $2,186,210 in individual contributions and $48,100 in contributions from other committees. Britt reports expenses of just $33,052, leaving her with a cash on hand balance of $2,197,957. Britt is running in the Republican primary.

The Trump administration’s former Ambassador to Slovenia Lynda Blanchard, who is largely self funding her campaign, continues, however, to lead in cash on hand with $5,201,706. Blanchard, who is running as a Republican, spent $404,904 and raised $5,606,610 in the quarter. $5,110,000 of that is a loan that she made to herself. Blanchard’s campaign only raised $496,610 in total contributions. Blanchard spent $404,904 or over 81.5 percent of what the campaign raised during the quarter.

Republican Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, finished third in cash on hand with just $1,711,867. Brooks’ campaign also reports that he is burning money faster than his rivals, reporting total disbursements of $523,842. Of that $516,692 of that were campaign expenses, including $25,000 to former President Donald Trumps Mar-A-Lago resort for catering and event hosting. $3,150 were contribution refunds. Brooks’ campaign reported raising $1,097,483 in contributions, most of that from individuals. Just $37,100 came from other committees. The rest of Brooks’ funds were transferred from his congressional campaign. Brooks is presently in his sixth term representing Alabama’s 5th Congressional District.

Prattville businesswoman Jessica Taylor was a late entrant into the race and has no current report with the FEC. Taylor was a congressional candidate in 2020, failing to make the Republican primary runoff in Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. Former state Rep. Barry Moore went on to win that seat.

There is only one Democrat campaigning for U.S. Senate and that is former Brighton Mayor Brandaun LeFred Dean. In a phone conversation with APR, Mayor Dean said that his campaign has largely been ignored by the Democratic donor class and the Democratic Party establishment and has not been able to raise that much money to this point in the race.

Incumbent Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, has announced that he is not seeking a seventh term in the U.S. Senate. Shelby has endorsed Britt, who is his former chief of staff.

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The Republican and Democratic primaries will be held on May 24, 2022.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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