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Ivey: No plans for government workers to knock on doors to promote vaccines

Ivey’s office said that the state has no plans to send workers door-to-door promoting, or pressuring, people to get the vaccine.

A health care worker at UAB Hospital receives the COVID-19 vaccine. (VIA UAB)

President Joe Biden started a national furor when he suggested that government workers would be going door-to-door to make sure that all Americans are vaccinated for COVID-19. In response, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s office said that the state has no plans to send its workers door-to-door promoting, or pressuring, people to get the vaccine.

“We are all for educating people on the COVID-19 vaccine, but from the little we know about this program, it does not seem like the answer,” said Ivey spokesperson Gin Maiola in a statement. “Governor Ivey has no plans to put in a request for government workers to knock on people’s doors here in Alabama.”

Biden said Tuesday: “Now, we need to go to community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oftentimes, door-to-door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki later clarified that the door-to-door workers would not be forcing people to get the vaccine and that there would be no mandatory vaccinations in the state.

The Alabama Legislature has already passed, and Ivey signed, legislation that banned vaccine passports in Alabama. Schools and colleges cannot deny admission to persons who have not been vaccinated and Alabama businesses cannot refuse to do business with people who have not been vaccinated. No business in Alabama has a legal right to ask customers to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Alabama Congressman Barry Moore, R-Enterprise, said that it is not the government’s job to knock on doors and force people to take the vaccine.

“Yesterday, Biden said we needed to go ‘community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and often times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors’ to get people vaccinated,” Moore said. “Let me be clear – the federal government is NOT our doctor or parent. The vaccine has been readily available for several months. It’s NOT the government’s job to knock on doors and force the vaccine on people; Americans have the freedom to choose. Why is it so hard for the Left to accept that?!”

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South Carolina Gov. William Masters, a Republican, said: “A South Carolinian’s decision to get vaccinated is a personal one for them to make and not the government’s,” McMaster wrote in a letter to health board chairman Mark Elam. “Enticing, coercing, intimidating, mandating, or pressuring anyone to take the vaccine is a bad policy which will deteriorate the public’s trust and confidence in the State’s vaccination efforts.”

Masters continued, “The prospect of government vaccination teams showing up unannounced or unrequested at the door of ‘targeted’ homeowners or on their property will further deteriorate the public’s trust and could lead to potentially disastrous public safety consequences.”

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, also a Republican, said, “I have directed our health department to let the federal government know that sending government employees or agents door-to-door to compel vaccination would NOT be an effective OR a welcome strategy in Missouri!”

The ban on vaccine passports in Alabama has no effect on employers ordering their employees to get the vaccine.

The Army Times has documents they obtained claiming that the U.S. Army is preparing to mandate that all Army personnel receive the vaccine. A portion of a recent update to HQDA EXORD 225-21, COVID-19 Steady State Operations.

“Commanders will continue COVID-19 vaccination operations and prepare for a directive to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for service members [on or around] 01 September 2021, pending full FDA licensure,” the order said. “Commands will be prepared to provide a backbrief on servicemember vaccination status and way ahead for completion once the vaccine is mandated.”

Many hospitals and airlines are reportedly gearing up to order their employees to receive the vaccine.

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State Auditor Jim Zeigler is urging Ivey to come out with a stronger statement. Zeigler on Sunday asked Ivey to “use the strongest steps to clearly direct federal agents and their recruits that their entry onto home properties in Alabama could legally be considered trespassing.”

“Gov. Ivey should go much farther and clearly ban home intrusions by vaccine squads in Alabama,” Zeigler said.

“The decision to take or not take the COVID vaccine is each individual’s decision,” Zeigler said. “A federal intrusion onto the home properties of Alabama citizens would be a troubling infringement of the Fourth and Tenth Amendments.”

Zeigler claims that some door-to-door vaccine visits have already occurred in Jefferson County, Alabama’s largest county.

Ivey is being challenged in the Republican Primary by Opelika area pastor Dean Odle.

“I have been warning about this mandating/coercing of a Covid-19 vaccine since the beginning of the ‘pandemic,’” Odle said. “Dr. Fauci stated just a couple of days ago that there should be more ‘…mandates (for the vaccine) at the local level.’ There is no doubt that we are facing the rise of medical tyranny in America. Doctors and scientists, who oppose this mass vaccination agenda with legitimate concerns and correct data, are being censored. For instance, the man who invented the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone stated that the Covid-19 vaccines are too risky, and that the government was not being transparent with us about the risks. For this, Dr. Malone was censored by YouTube.”

“According to all this information, there is no need for federal agents, state governments, or public schools to push or mandate these Covid vaccines,” Odle continued. “For Kay Ivey’s office to say Biden’s door-to-door federal intrusion, ‘…does not SEEM like the answer’ is weak and pathetic. Governor Kay Ivey has been a pusher of this experimental vaccine as much as Joe Biden. Furthermore, the only reason the legislature passed the vaccine passport bill and Kay Ivey signed it was due to tremendous public pressure. They were bombarded by thousands of emails and phone calls, or it would not have happened. Furthermore, that vaccine passport bill did not go far enough. We really needed Representative Ritchie Whorton’s bill that would have stopped employers from mandating vaccines. We simply need much stronger leadership in Alabama to combat this rise of medical tyranny.”

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Children who do not get the vaccine in the 2021-2022 school year reportedly will be required to wear masks in many school systems across the country.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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