Alabama Republican Congressmen Mike Rogers, Mo Brooks, Robert Aderholt and Barry Moore signed the discharge petition on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This discharge petition would force Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, to bring this legislation up for a vote in the House.
The legislation was introduced by Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Missouri, in January of 2021, but has yet to receive any consideration in the House. The bill would ensure any baby born that survives an abortion would receive the same standard of care as a baby born under normal circumstances.
Rogers said: “Anyone who is okay with not helping these babies is simply supporting infanticide.”
“As a father of three children and a Christian, this legislation is so important to me. I will never understand how any human would not support caring for a tiny, living baby that survives an attempted abortion,” Rogers said. “Anyone who is okay with not helping these babies is simply supporting infanticide. I will always stand up for the rights of the most innocent among us, and it’s shameful that Nancy Pelosi will not even bring this critical legislation up for a vote.”
“I joined dozens of my House colleagues in signing the discharge petition for the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act,” Brooks said. “Last year, all Republicans and 3 Democrats signed. Like and share if you believe a child who survives an attempted abortion should be given life-saving care.”
“I strongly believe babies born alive through a botched abortion deserve medical care,” Moore said. “77% of Americans agree – yet Democrats continue to block House Republicans’ attempts to end infanticide. This afternoon, I proudly signed a discharge petition to force Pelosi to allow a vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. It’s time for Democrats to let us vote on this life-saving legislation. Protecting innocent newborns should not be a partisan issue.”
“Every human life is precious, and it’s our responsibility to always protect the most vulnerable among us,” Aderholt said. “Babies deserve the right to life, and babies that survive abortions should never, ever be left to die. It’s time to end infanticide and pass the Born-Alive Act.”
“It is a tragedy if even one precious baby is not given the care they need,” Wagner said. “These protections for abortion survivors are urgently needed, and Congress must act now to end infanticide. It is shameful that Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats refuse to even allow a vote on this lifesaving bill. This discharge petition brings the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act one step closer to being enshrined in law. I am hopeful that every member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, will do the right thing and add their name to the petition. We all have a sacred duty to protect these little ones and ensure they are treated with the love and compassion they deserve.”
Similar legislation is being carried in the Alabama Legislature by state Rep. Ginny Shaver, R-Leesburg. The Alabama bill has passed the House and received a favorable report from the Senate Health Committee. It is awaiting being placed on the calendar in the Alabama Senate.
Rogers is serving in his 10th term representing Alabama’s Third Congressional District. He presently serves as the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee. Brooks is serving in his sixth term representing Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District and is a U.S. Senate candidate. Moore is serving in his first term representing Alabama’s Second Congressional District. Aderholt is serving in his 13th term representing Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District.