The National Lieutenant Governors Association will meet in Alabama in August to host the nation’s lieutenant governors for its first in-person meeting since 2019. The meeting convenes lieutenant governors and seconds-in-command from across the country to discuss policy ideas, initiatives, and best practices among the states.
“Tourism is a top industry in our state employing more than 200,000 workers in 2019,” said Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth. “It’s essential to get tourism in our state humming again and I am proud to drive that by welcoming this prestigious group in August.”
NLGA says the meeting in Point Clear will generate an estimated economic impact of more than $300,000. Ainsworth said the meeting will bolster the state economy and bring attention to the region and the state.
“Tourists paid more than one billion dollars in taxes to state and local governments in 2019, dollars which saved the average Alabama family about $537 a year in taxes,” Ainsworth said.
“NLGA meetings are nonpartisan and promote innovative plans for shared challenges, something that is especially critical for state leaders as all the states emerge from the global pandemic and seek to regain their economic and educational footing,” said NLGA Director Julia Brossart.”
“NLGA is a platform for us to come together as leaders, in a bi-partisan way, to drive thoughtful and informative discussions,” said NLGA Chair Delaware Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long.
NLGA was founded in 1962 and this will be only the second time Alabama has hosted an NLGA Annual Meeting. The other NLGA Annual Meeting in Alabama was in 1975.
Ainsworth was elected lieutenant governor in 2018. He is chairman of the Alabama Small Business Commission, the Alabama Military Stability Commission, and the Lieutenant Governor’s Commission on a 21st Century Workforce. He champions commerce, from small business to large companies, and is a leader in promoting the state’s aviation and aerospace interests and the state’s nationally recognized Pre-K program.