Republican voters in part of Shelby County go to the polls Tuesday to elect their own state representative. House District 73 is vacant because former state Rep. Matt Fridy, R-Montevallo, was elected to the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals.
State House District 73 includes portions of Alabaster, Calera, Chelsea, Helena, Montevallo, Pelham and unincorporated Brantleyville. The crowded Republican primary ballot includes Joseph Daley, George Henry, Leigh Hulsey, Kenneth Paschal and Kerri Pate.
Joseph Daley is a realtor with Keller-Williams. Daley is a former youth pastor at Crossbridge Community Church in Helena. He is originally from Collins, Mississippi. He attended Pelham High School and studied communications at UAB.
Daley is the former associate ministry coordinator at First Priority Greater Birmingham and a former administrative assistant at Crawford Broadcasting Company
“I’m asking for your support in representing District 73 with character, a love for our communities, and common sense on March 30, 2021,” Daley said in a statement. “It’s apparent that solid character, a dedication to our communities, and a reinstatement of common sense is needed in every level of politics. Alabama must have strong, courageous, and integrous leadership and it’s my heart’s desire to be that for you.”
“If elected, I look forward to serving the people of District 73 by finding solutions to the problems we face,” Daley said. “I ask that you stand beside me in this pursuit to see the great State of Alabama thrive.”
George Henry is the vice president of enterprise architecture at IBML. He is the former city manager for the city of Alabaster and a former CEO for Central State Bank. Henry is a 2019 graduate of the Alabama Banking School. He has an MBA from Samford and is a graduate of Pelham High School. He serves on the Montevallo Industrial Development Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Henry lives in Montevallo with his wife Jessica Pounders Henry. They have two children and attend Dogwood Grove Baptist Church.
“As Americans we believe in the ideal that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” Henry said in a statement. “These rights should extend to unborn Americans as well.”
Henry stressed his strong support for the Second Amendment, “The Bill of Rights were required by the founders to ensure inalienable rights of the citizens were protected from a powerful centralized government. The government of the United States gets its’ power from the inalienable rights of the people, not the other way around.”
“I speak often about being a Christian constitutional conservative,” Henry said. “We are a constitutional republic, understanding this fact matters greatly.” “I am the person and candidate who believes this is very important. It is worth teaching, modeling and defending. This is what we must understand first and foremost. For on this foundation all legislation and governance stands. If you want a representative willing, able and committed to this, then vote for George Henry March 30th.”
Leigh Hulsey serves on the Helena City Council and is the owner of Crossfit in Alabaster.
“I’m a conservative Christian and a life-long year resident of Shelby County,” Hulsey said. “I grew up in Pelham and graduated from Pelham high school. And also an Auburn graduate. For the past 12 years, I have served on the Helena City Council and re-elected to my fourth term. I also have owned a small business in Alabaster for the past 9 years.”
Hulsey and her husband, Dennis, have been married for 24 years. They have three children.
“I am running for State House because the people in District 73 deserve a trustworthy and experienced leader representing them in Montgomery,” Hulsey said. “I love serving and working with others, and I know I will win! I will outwork every candidate. I want the opportunity to serve at the State level because I believe my knowledge and my experience has prepared me for this. I know I can make a difference for my district.”
Hulsey is emphasizing Infrastructure, Schools, and Health as the three things “most important” to District 73.
“Infrastructure – I have experience with planning and funding road projects,” Hulsey said. “And I intend to go to Montgomery and work hard to continue to see roads and funding for our contested cities improve.”
“Schools – I have experience working with the Board of Education and developers, successfully planning and funding school construction and athletic facilities,” Hulsey stated. “While our schools are great, there’s always room for improvement in training the next generation of leaders. It is more important than ever that we work to improve broadband access for our students and adults working from home. I will see that our children’s educational experience is better preparing them for the workforce.”
“Health – The overall health of our citizens is critical to the overall health of our community. It has been my professional daily focus for 9 years,” Hulsey said. “There’s a lot of work to be done regarding mental health and ensuring people have access to what is needed.”
“We need better roads, stronger schools, better protection for the unborn, a secured 2nd Amendment, low taxes, and unwavering support for our First Responders,” Hulsey said. “You work hard to provide for your family, and I want to work hard for you.”
Kenneth Paschal is retired from the Army following 21 and a half years in the military.
Paschal is the director of the Alabama Family Rights Association (ALFRA). Paschal explained that for many years he has worked to reestablish the concept of both parents being involved in a child’s life.
“The family is under attack,” Paschal said. The government has done a number of things, “To incentivize the one parent family.”
“I have intrinsic knowledge of the legislative process,” Paschal stated. “I have working relationships with most of our elected officials. I am prepared to jump in and start doing the job you are electing me to do.”
Kenneth is running on four basic principles:
• Respect: U.S. Constitution, Military, Veterans, First responders, Healthcare workers, and each other
• Economic Development: Fair share of funding for infrastructure and education
• Action: Limited government, low taxes, and individual responsibility
• Protect: Born and unborn children, seniors, and the rule of law, parental rights, and school of choice
Paschal retired from the Army in 2006 and moved to Shelby County. He is a past commander of the American Legion and a member of the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce. Paschal was recently unanimously selected to join the Shelby County Republican Executive Committee.
Kerri Pate serves on the Alabaster City Council and Planning and Zoning Board. She is an educator, a wife, and a conservative mother of three.
“If you elect me to the Alabama State House of Representatives, I’ll stand up for small businesses in Shelby County, and I’ll fight to keep taxes low on hardworking Alabama families,” Pate said in a statement.
Pate works at American Village in Montevallo.
“The past 11 years, I have been blessed to work at an educational institution whose mission is to strengthen and renew the foundations of American liberty and self-government by engaging citizens and leaders,” Pate said. “I have been taught from an early age that civic engagement is a responsibility. As an elected city leader I have been blessed with the ability to truly see the needs and desires of the residents and business owners in District 73. I have a proven track record of the ability to build strong relationships and the ability to come to the table with resolve when there is a difference in opinion. The American people want our Constitution upheld always, and I believe the great people of district 73 are no different in those desires. I know I am the person to represent that mentality in Montgomery.”
“Our great nation was founded on a strong religious base. Religious freedoms and conservatism are under attack and I will stand up to defend those rights that I hold so dear,” Pate added.
If a special Republican primary runoff election is needed, it will be held on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.
Sheridan Black was the only Democrat to qualify so there is no Democratic primary. She will face the winner of the Republican primary in the special general election on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. The winner of the special election will serve the remainder of Matt Fridy’s term and will have to seek re-election in next year’s 2022 election.
HD73 was heavily impacted by Thursday’s severe weather and cleanup and recovery continue across the district.
Polls will open at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday and close at 7:00 p.m. Voters must bring a valid photo ID with them to the polls in order to participate in any Alabama election. Voters must vote at the polling place that they have been assigned. There is no same day voter registration in Alabama.