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ADOL announces new phone appointment system

ADOL will be discontinuing in-person appointments at the Crump Senior Center in Montgomery until further notice.


The Alabama Department of Labor has announced a new phone appointment system for unemployment compensation claimants who need assistance with their claims.

The new phone system will debut on Jan. 4, 2021. Beginning Jan. 3, 2021, claimants can call 1-800-361-4524 after 5 p.m. until midnight on Sundays through Thursdays to schedule a call back for the next day.

Some 600 callbacks will be scheduled each day, with the exception of holidays and weekends. If a claimant is unable to secure an appointment on one day, they are encouraged to call back the next day after 5 p.m.

“This new callback system will allow us to serve more claimants per day than we’ve been able to previously,” said Alabama Labor Secretary Fitzgerald Washington. “We’ve been working nonstop to improve our services to unemployed Alabamians and this system will hopefully accomplish that.”

Claimants will only be allowed to set one callback appointment per day. Callbacks will be scheduled between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Claimants should keep their phones near them the entire day of their scheduled callback. Calls will come from a Montgomery, Alabama, number.

Due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, ADOL will be discontinuing in-person appointments at the Crump Senior Center in Montgomery until further notice.

The last dates for in-person service will be Dec. 28 and 29. Appointments for those days will be available on the ADOL website beginning Friday, Dec. 25, 2020, at 5 p.m.

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The case stems from the Alabama Department of Labor's lengthy delays in processing claims during the COVID-19 pandemic.