The Alabama Department of Public Health on Friday released its plan for administering COVID-19 vaccines, and it plans to do so in three stages, beginning with the most at risk.
In a statement, ADPH said the 48-page plan details how the department will allocate vaccines “once it becomes available, possibly before the end of 2020.”
Several vaccines are currently in clinical trials and will be released after their safety has been reviewed and approved by a panel of health experts, according to the statement. The vaccine will be provided free of charge. [Read the plan here.]
“We want to assure the public that there will be equitable distribution of vaccine to all Alabamians, especially to vulnerable populations in rural and urban areas. Many external partners will have input in vaccine allocations,” said State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris in a statement.
During the plan’s Phase 1, potentially limited doses of vaccine will be available, and they will be targeted to those at highest risk and highest risk of exposure, first responders and healthcare workers who care for those with critical needs.
In Phase 2, large numbers of doses will be available, and supply is likely to meet demand. Educational efforts will target critical populations who were not vaccinated in Phase 1.
In Phase 3, there is likely to be a sufficient supply and all unvaccinated groups will be targeted. Special attention will be directed to populations or communities with low vaccine coverage.