The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Marine Resources Division announced the state will have an oyster harvest weekend open to the public this weekend on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is the last scheduled oyster weekend of the year.
Oyster harvesters can now view their locations and the open harvest areas with Alabama’s Oyster Management Station Oyster Grid Map. The state does not want to overharvest its oysters. Grids or areas will open and close based on evaluations of the harvest by MRD staff. Future openings could still be announced.
Harvesters are reminded to visit the OMS locations to drop off their OMS ID cards and confirm which zone(s) is open for harvest. OMS ID Cards must be dropped at the OMS location where the catcher intends to land.
All commercial oystercatchers, regardless of age, must have a commercial oystercatcher’s license in order to participant in the harvest. For information about licensing and regulations, contact MRD at 251-861-2882 or visit the MRD office located at 2 North Iberville Drive on Dauphin Island.
Commercial oystercatchers are limited to just six sacks per person/per vessel/per day regardless of how many licensed harvesters are aboard. Recreational oystercatchers may harvest 100 legal-size oysters per person per day. Recreational harvest may only occur in areas and at times that are open for commercial harvest.
The only approved harvest method is tong and hand.
The management station locations are Cedar Point Cutoff 16871 Dauphin Island Pkwy in Coden. Management stations are open Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. To contact the management station, call 251-257-9966.
Alabama enjoys a wealth of natural resources with year-round opportunities to hunt, both small game and large game, and fish, both saltwater and freshwater. Outdoor sports, including hiking, are a family friendly activity that allows for fun without risking exposure to the coronavirus.