Alabama Republicans expressed their satisfaction Thursday with Judge Amy Coney Barrett following her third day of confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Barrett has been appointed by President Donald Trump to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s death.
“Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a respected jurist, a wife, and the working mother of seven, including two adopted non-white children and a special needs child,” said Republican congressional candidate Barry Moore. “She is everything that Democrats claim to admire, except that she’s a staunch Catholic, strongly pro-life, and firmly against judicial activism. Because she doesn’t march in lockstep to their progressive ideology, for two days she had to endure an abusive interrogation by Democrat Senators. Then on Thursday, while people that know her testified about her high character and sterling qualifications, a string of liberal hacks made up imaginary scenarios of horror that completely ignored what she herself had said the previous two days.”
Congressman Gary Palmer, R-Alabama, said on Twitter, “#JudgeAmyConeyBarrett has only further proven how qualified she is for #SCOTUS during this week of hearings. She’s been thorough, respectful, and steady, and her brilliant legal mind has been on full display. The Senate should confirm her without delay.”
Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth said on Twitter, “Moments ago, Senator @ChuckGrassley submitted into the record a letter of support that I signed along with 20 other lieutenant governors on behalf of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“Alabama has a unique situation with the Judge Amy Coney Barrett nomination,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan. “Our state is repeatedly the highest rated approval state for President Trump. We are one of the reddest conservative states in the nation with 65% of all partisan elected officials being Republicans. So, one would think our U.S. Senators would listen and vote with what the will of the majority of Alabamians want.”
Republican Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh said, “Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptional nominee. Proud to stand with her as a conservative woman. @MarshaBlackburn and @SenJoniErnst have also shown true leadership as conservatives working to preserve our freedom.”
“Justice Barrett is eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court,” Moore said. “Her answers during her hearing showed her to be knowledgeable about the law as well as able to hold her own against ‘gotcha’ questions from the Committee’s Democrats. I’m encouraged when she says that judges should interpret, not make the laws, and I believe that she will approach each case fairly and impartially.”
“Judge Coney Barrett is the epitome of female empowerment in all aspects of her life – in her family, her academics, her law life and her consistent stance on one thing when sitting on any bench in our nation: reading and interpreting the U.S. Constitution not legislating from the bench,” Lathan said. “The Democrats love invoking the same constitution, but only when they want the situations to be seen through their lens. This nomination is one of these examples.”
Democrats have blasted President Donald Trump for making the nomination so close to the general election.
“In terms of the timing of her appointment, I believe the President was right to make an appointment as soon as possible, even this close to the election,” Moore said. “The Supreme Court traditionally opens on the first Monday in October, and with the number of important cases currently before the Court leaving it one member short any longer than absolutely necessary isn’t reasonable or appropriate.”
A vote to send Barrett’s nomination to the Senate floor is scheduled for Oct. 22.