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Alabama Republican Party urges confirmation of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court

The Alabama Republican Party was recently commended by the Republican National Committee for its efforts on the behalf of Barrett.

The Alabama Republican Party and the Trump Victory Committee held a press call to promote the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court on the same day that her confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee began in Washington.

Alabama Republican Party Chair Terry Lathan urged U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama, to stop ignoring “the wishes of the majority of the people of Alabama” and support the nomination of Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court or to at least meet with Barrett and listen to her.

The Alabama Republican Party was recently commended by the Republican National Committee for its efforts on the behalf of Barrett.

Trump Victory announced that it is holding “Fill the Seat” protests in targeted states across the country.

Former State Rep. Perry Hooper Jr., R-Montgomery, serves on the Trump Victory Finance Committee and is a Trump Team member.

“The simple fact is that the Democrats cannot make a case against her because there is none,” Hooper said. “She has risen to the pinnacle of her professional while still raising a family of seven. Judge Barret is universally regarded as possessing a brilliant legal mind and her record indicates that she is a fair and impartial jurist only applying the law and the constitution to cases before her. During her tenure at Notre Dame School of Law she was name professor of the year an unprecedented 3 times. Every single faculty member signed a letter in support of her legal scholarship during her confirmation process for the U S Court of Appeals. Even Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine voted for her confirmation to the Appeals court.”

The Alabama Republican Party is also promoting the Senate candidacy of Jones’ challenger former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tuberville.

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“Rather than representing the conservative beliefs and values of the millions of Alabamians he swore an oath to serve, Jones has, instead, voted the liberal, left-wing convictions that make up his core,” Tuberville said in a statement Monday. “As the hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court begin, Jones has once again turned his back on his constituents and pledged to vote against her confirmation. Jones would not even extend the traditional courtesy of meeting with Judge Barrett and letting her outline her judicial philosophy.”

The Alabama Political Reporter asked Lathan if Tuberville would debate Jones or if Jones would debate Tuberville.

“That is something you should ask the campaigns,” Lathan said. The public knows the views of the candidates and there could not be more difference between the positions of the two candidates, she said.

“If there were a debate, I am confident in Coach Tuberville,” Lathan added.

Senate confirmation hearings will continue today. At this point, it appears that Republicans have enough votes to confirm Barrett without support from Democrats like Jones.

The general election will be Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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