Prominent Alabama Republicans released statements supportive of President Donald Trump nominating a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died Friday of complications with pancreatic cancer.
GOP Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville said: “The next Supreme Court justice could open the door to finally overturning Roe v. Wade, protecting our gun rights, and firmly securing the religious freedoms guaranteed to us by the First Amendment. They will determine if the court follows the Constitution as written or invents new law from the bench for generations to come.”
“The Constitution requires President Trump to offer a nominee, and the Senate should begin the confirmation process as soon as possible,” Tuberville added. “President Trump previously released a list of proven conservatives he would consider for the court, and I can guarantee that Doug Jones opposes every one of them, including the female candidates and the two Alabamians, Bill Pryor and Kevin Newsome.”
Tuberville slammed incumbent Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama.
“There is no doubt that Doug Jones will vote the way that Chuck Schumer and the liberal Democrats instruct him, just like he has always done,” Tuberville said. “Since becoming interim senator, Doug Jones has opposed everything that most Alabamians support and supported everything that most Alabamians oppose. The differences between my conservative views and the liberal beliefs held by Doug Jones were already clear, but this Supreme Court nomination brings them even more fully into focus. The election for U.S. Senate may well be decided on this issue alone.”
“I pray President Trump will appoint the most conservative, law-abiding Supreme Court Justice possible and the Senate will confirm,” said Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama.
Republican Congressional candidate Barry Moore expressed his hope that the Senate will act on Trump’s nominee to replace Ginsburg in a timely fashion, but Moore predicted that there will be significant resistance to this from Congressional Democrats and even a few Republicans.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with Justice Ginsburg’s family. She lived a life of service and dedication to her country. May she rest in peace,” Moore said. “President Trump has said that he will be announcing his choice to replace Justice Ginsburg within a few days, and I expect his choice to be a good one. Unfortunately, I also expect that nominee to receive the same horrible treatment that Justice Kavanaugh received, if not worse. Democrats and even a select few Republicans have already called for the president to neglect his constitutional duty under Article II, Section 2 to appoint a replacement to the court. The American people can see through these blatant attempts to politicize this appointment, and I think they’ll make their displeasure known on election day.”
“I commend the president for carrying out his constitutionally mandated obligation, and Majority Leader McConnell for his statement that the Senate would act on the nomination promptly, as they should,” Moore said. “My prayers will be with the nominee as they face the inevitable firestorm.”
Former State Rep. Perry Hooper Jr. is a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee, the Trump Victory Finance Committee and a Trump Team member.
“The president may well have won in the election 2016 on his promise to nominate strict constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, and he has fulfilled that promise,” Hooper said. “The Senate must allow him to continue with that promise and take up his nominee immediately.”
“The Supreme Court is the final word on our constitutional rights,” Hooper explained. “And the type of justice that serves has a profound impact on public policy and our fundamental liberties. Twenty-nine times in our nation’s history we have seen a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year. In every instance, the president proceeded with a nomination.”
“In 2000, for thirty-six days, the nation did not know who the president was going to be because of votes in one county in Florida,” Hooper said. “If we have had a four-four court it could have dragged on for weeks and months. We may well be looking at a contested election once again that hangs in the balance of the Supreme Court. Justice Ginsburg herself stated in 2018, ‘eight is not a good number for a collegial body that sometimes disagrees.’ Our nation is at risk of a constitutional crisis without nine justices on the bench. In the midst of the deadly pandemic, the economic issues it has caused, and violent riots erupting across the country this would be catastrophic for our Republic.”
“The fabric of our nation has been challenged by the lawlessness and anarchy happening around the country,” Moore said. “Choosing our next Supreme Court Justice is the most important decision facing America and I have confidence in President Trump and his decision.”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, has said that she will not rule out articles of impeachment against Trump again if he attempts to fill Ginsburg’s vacancy before the election.
“Well, we have our options,” Pelosi said. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country. This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made.”
“Nancy and her corrupt party have proven that there is no line they won’t cross to obstruct our nation’s incredible progress,” Trump wrote in an email to supporters. “They’re threatening to IMPEACH ME AGAIN because I’m doing my job as your president by filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court.”