Republican 2nd Congressional District candidate Barry Moore released a statement supportive of President Donald Trump’s nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work to bring about Middle East peace. Moore said that it’s “a long shot, but appropriate, in my opinion.”
Trump was nominated by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament and chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. In his nomination letter, Tybring-Gjedde cited Trump’s key role in brokering the recent peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
Moore said that the prize would be more than justified.
“I think the Nobel committee would be more than justified in awarding President Trump the Peace Prize,” Moore said. “When the other powers in the region see how Jerusalem and Dubai both benefit from working together, they’ll either come along or be left in the sand. It won’t happen overnight, but I think the deal that President Trump’s administration brokered will be viewed by history as comparable to the Camp David accords.”
“Two years ago Trump brought Kum Jong Un to the negotiating table, and that was something everyone said was impossible,” Moore continued. “Now he’s been responsible for a major step towards real peace in the Middle East. Trump has made real, positive progress in not one but two global hot spots. Compare that to Barack Obama, who’d only been in office for nine months when he got the prize just for ‘representing the ideals of the committee.'”
“What matters most is what Trump has actually done,” Moore stated. “He did bring North Korea to the table. He did move our embassy to Jerusalem. He did bring Israel and the UAE together. He is bringing our troops home from the Middle East. That’s why I, and so many other evangelicals, support re-electing President Donald J. Trump.”
Trump National Victory Committee member Perry Hooper Jr. said the Nobel Peace Prize would be more than justified for Trump’s work in normalizing relations between Israel and the UAE.
“This President has accomplished more to help America than any President in my lifetime!” Hooper said. “We need four more years of Donald Trump’s vision of American exceptionalism, our unique freedoms and our undeniable spirit that will never allow us to be defeated by an enemy either foreign or domestic.”
In his letter to the Nobel Committee, Tybring-Gjedde praised the Trump administration for playing a key role in the establishment of relations between the two nations.
“As it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game-changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity,” Tybring-Gjedde wrote.
Moore is the Republican nominee for the 2nd Congressional district in the Nov. 3, General Election. He faces Democratic candidate Phyllis Harvey-Hall. Trump faces a stiff General Election challenge from former Vice President Joseph Biden.