The United States House passed H.R. 8015, a bill that would prohibit operational changes to the U.S. Postal Service until 2021, but Congressman Gary Palmer, R-Hoover, voted against the legislation. Palmer’s office said he voted against the legislation in part because it was introduced amid widespread misinformation about the USPS and its capacity for an expected high volume of mail-in ballots for the November elections.
“The Democrats have invented this crisis to attack the president,” Palmer said. “The USPS has $14 billion in current funds which are sufficient to maintain operations well into next year. The CARES Act also included $10 billion that is available should the USPS need additional funds. Together that amounts to $24 billion that is immediately available to the USPS. Yet, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have created a conspiratorial crisis out of thin air and are demanding American taxpayers fork over another $25 billion. This is a farce, another attempt to dupe Americans with an election hoax, only this time, instead of Russia, it is the USPS.”
“USPS has been implementing badly needed reforms for years,” Palmer continued. “Yet, Pelosi and the Democrats are intentionally misleading people to believe that operational changes at the USPS have just begun. That is a lie. Nonetheless, USPS officials have confirmed that the operational changes, some of which were agreed to by Democrat members, have already been halted until after the elections. Plus, the fact that Pelosi has called Congress into session to pass a bill with another $25 billion for the USPS, before having a committee hearing or markup on the bill is another example of how dysfunctional the House has become under her leadership. Instead of helping the USPS, by bypassing the committee process where Democrats and Republicans work together to implement needed reforms, Pelosi is actually setting the USPS back and making it harder to sustain itself in carrying out its mission without more massive bailouts from the taxpayer.”
“Every American should take note that Speaker Pelosi has called Congress back into session to perpetuate a conspiracy theory to discredit the President that she and her Democrat colleagues have fabricated, but she won’t call a session to work on an economic recovery strategy and relief for struggling Americans,” Palmer concluded.
Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, also opposed the legislation. “The absurd postal service election rigging hoax is just another in a long string of hoaxes perpetrated by the Socialist Democrats against the American people,” Brooks said.
The legislation has passed the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives but faces an unlikely future in the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate.
Palmer represents Alabama’s 6th Congressional District. Neither he nor Brooks have a Democratic opponent this fall.