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Alabama State Port Authority’s Short-Line Railroad recognized for achievements in safety


The American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) has awarded two of its prestigious President’s Awards to the Alabama State Port Authority’s Terminal Railway – Alabama State Docks (TASD). The association annual releases those short line railroads that achieve rail safety standards.

John C. Driscoll, director and chief executive officer of the Port Authority, commended the railroad’s management and personnel noting, “this is a tremendous accomplishment signifying our railroad’s professionalism and commitment to safe operations.”

The ASLRRA President’s Award recognizes by region and class railroads those that achieve a 0.0 accident frequency rate (zero accidents) or the best safety rate as measured by the lowest accident frequency rate per person-hour below the national average. The Port Authority’s Terminal Railway (TASD) achieved both benchmarks earning the Authority’s short line two President’s Awards for Most Hours of Injury-Free Operation (zero accidents in a calendar year) and Best Safety Rate for 150,000 – 250,000 Person Hours worked in Calendar Year 2019.

“To be awarded the President’s Awards speaks to the safety culture developed and embraced by every member of the Terminal Railway,” said Cliff Melton, General Manager of the Terminal Railway (TASD). “I am extremely proud of the prevailing good attitude found everywhere on our system and the hard work our people put forth every day.”

To qualify for the ASLRRA President’s Award, a short line must have earned the Jake Award. The Jake Award recognizes outstanding safety achievements in the short line railroad industry, and presented to the ASLRRA member railroad that performs better than the Class II or Class III industry average injury frequency rate as reported by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in the prior year.

The Terminal Railway TASD has earned seven Jake Awards since 2007, including the 2019 with Distinction Jake Award as the railroad had both zero reportable injuries and zero reportable rail accidents.

The Alabama State Port Authority owns and/or operates the public deep-water port facilities at the Port of Mobile handling over 26 million tons annually.  In Calendar Year 2019, the Terminal Railway TASD serviced five Class I railroads, a Class II railroad and a Class III railroad handling 164,321 revenue rail cars through its interchange and terminal yards.  The Port Authority’s Terminal Railway is one of the nation’s largest port authority owned and operated railroads.  Learn more at

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