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Alabama Republicans react to Biden’s nomination

President Joe Biden

The virtual Democratic National Convention ended Thursday with former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepting the Democratic nomination to be the 46th president of the United States. Alabama Republicans responded with their reasoning on why they believe Americans should not vote for Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris.

“We’ve heard how Joe Biden won’t just drag us back to the same Obama/Biden policies that failed so badly for eight years, but he’ll also impose new, even more, radical policies on us,” said Republican congressional candidate Barry Moore. “He and his far-left running mate, Kamala Harris, will embrace the job-killing Green New Deal. They’ll embrace the ‘cancel culture’ mentality to suppress, and eventually destroy free speech. They’ll push no-limit abortions, up to and even after the moment of birth. They’ll actively attack our 2nd Amendment rights because they know that the right to keep and bear arms is our last line of defense against the socialist tyranny they want to impose on us. And to do all this, they’ll tax, and tax, and tax our productive businesses and individuals to pay for their far-left schemes. It doesn’t matter that their ideas have failed every single time they’ve been tried before, both here and around the world. They know what’s best, and questioning them isn’t allowed.”

“After 40 plus years of public service Joe Biden has found a new set of friends and policy advisors, the most radical members of the Democratic Party,” said Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee Member Perry Hooper Jr. “This is a terrible sign for all freedom-loving Americans. Their overwhelming desire is to transform the United States into a socialist nightmare.”

“He clinched victory in the Democrat Party primary with the help of the ‘old guard,’ the establishment wing of the Democrat Party,” Hooper said. “Once his nomination became inevitable, the former Vice President immediately began to turn further and further to the left, embracing a political agenda that should terrify all Americans. He has become a true ‘Bernie Bro.’ Of course, Biden’s surrender to the radical left mirrors the progressive takeover of the entire Democratic Party — a coup that is now all but complete.”

“Biden has specifically commissioned Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to form the Unity Task Force,” Hooper said. “They have assembled a 130-page manifesto on how to deconstruct America as we know it. You can find a copy of it on Joe Biden’s official campaign website. They call it his ‘Party Platform.’ As my good friend fox news contributor and author Harland Hill stated ‘It would have made Karl Marx proud. The so-called Unity Task Force’ agenda includes ‘unprecedented’ environmental regulation, a government takeover of healthcare, a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, and much more. Biden promises to place Robert Francis O’Rourke as the effective gun czar of a Biden administration. O’Rourke threatens to confiscate millions of firearms from lawful gun owners, including forcible seizures of the most popular rifles in America. Biden sees no threat from the Chinese Communist Party. In a public speech, he has stated that ‘a rising China is a positive, positive development, not only for China, but for America.'”

“As chaos has spread across Democratic-led cities, Joe Biden remains mostly silent in his Delaware basement,” Hooper charged. “He has repeatedly referred to rioters as ‘peaceful protesters.’ He calls for ‘re-directing’ police funding away from uniformed officers into mental health social workers. He has vowed to overturn Trump’s immigration policies including placing a moratorium on deportations his first 100 days in office.”

“As the nation enters its fourth month of violent rioting, looting, and destruction of major cities, Biden, along with all Democrat attorneys general (AGs), remains silent on calls to defund the police,” the Republican Attorney Generals Association wrote in a joint statement. “Throughout this week’s charade of a DNC, Democrats have called for the abolishment of law enforcement, ICE, and prisons.”

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“Democrat silence will continue to lead to violence, but Democrat politicians don’t care because there’s one set of rules for them and another set for everybody else,” RAGA charged. “This week, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot gave radical remarks at the DNC, and also defended the ban on protests near her home, saying, ‘understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure.’ Despite violent crime on the rise in most major cities, under current Democrat proposals, millions of Americans will be less safe and subjected to more violence. Democrat policies will make America less safe and all Americans will be safer if they vote Republican up and down the ballot.”

“This week, the corrupt Democrat Convention has confirmed what we already knew: Slow Joe and Phony Kamala are not fit to lead this Country!,” President Donald Trump wrote in an email to supporters. “These two corrupt career politicians have made it clear that they want to protect sanctuary cities, protect criminals, take away your Second Amendment rights, and DESTROY America. Everything we’re fighting for is on the line right now.”

“We expected the Democrats to demonize President Trump, and we weren’t disappointed,” Moore said. “But, now their time is over. Next week, we Republicans will have our turn to talk about how we see our nation, and how we’re going to use common sense, workable solutions to actually fix our country’s problems, not just sow chaos and destruction. We’ll actually hear the truth about our President, and just how incredible, despite our problems, America really is. The Democrats have had their turn. Next week, it’s ours. I can’t wait.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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