The National Lieutenant Governors Association, a nonpartisan nonprofit serving the nation’s lieutenant governors and seconds-in-command, convened virtually today the 2020 Annual Meeting. Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth authored and sponsored a resolution on NASA’s collaboration and innovations, and participated in the voting process with his peers on 20 policy resolutions total, outlining awareness and solutions to important, widespread policy challenges shared by the states and territories.
“As an active member of the NLGA, I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a national process to address common challenges due to the COVID pandemic and beyond,” said Lt. Gov. Ainsworth. “I was personally proud to sponsor a resolution recognizing the recent collaborations by NASA to drive forward innovations and, in turn, impact the local economy in Alabama and across the country.”
“NLGA offers the opportunity for lieutenant governors to engage in dialogue that improves and enhances state government,” said NLGA Executive Director Julia Brossart. “The policy resolutions process allows elected officials on both sides of the aisle to come together in agreement on some of the most pressing policy issues of the day.”
The topics of the resolutions include the importance of adopting telehealth and broadband in the states, awareness of diseases and healthcare needs, agriculture and trade, solutions for economic recovery, and more. All resolutions can be found online at