The Alabama Department of Public Health reported an additional 1,180 coronavirus cases on Tuesday. This latest report increases the number of current and formerly infected people to 80,309.
If all 80,309 Alabamians who’ve tested positive for the novel strain of the coronavirus lived in the same city, it would be the seventh-largest city in the state and poised to overtake Hoover as number six.
Walking into a store, restaurant, office or house of worship in Alabama has never been more dangerous as the number of coronavirus cases continues to surge across the state. At least 42,773 Alabamians have been diagnosed with the virus this month alone — more than the previous four months of the global pandemic combined.
At least 23,868 of those cases have been reported in just the last 14 days.
The ADPH also reported that it is investigating another 2,057 probable coronavirus cases as well as another 45 probable COVID-19 deaths. At least 1,446 Alabamians have already died, including 520 in the month of July alone.
July has already set the record as the worst month that the state has experienced in terms of COVID-19 deaths. July is also by far the worst month for new coronavirus infections in Alabama.
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While people of all ages can contract coronavirus and spread it to other people, it is the elderly who are most likely to have a severe case and die from COVID-19. Seventy-eight percent of Alabamians who have died have been senior citizens age 65 and over. Nationwide, the median age of those who have died from the virus nationwide is 78 years old.
The United States has already lost 152,354 people to the global pandemic. That is more than any other country. The U.S. is followed by Brazil with 88,634, the U.K. with 45,874, Mexico with 44,876, Italy with 35,123. India with i34,252, France with 30,223, Spain with 28,436, Peru with 18,612 and Iran with 16,434.
Alabama is under a “safer-at-home” order. Alabamians are encouraged to stay in their homes at all times, if possible. When you do have to go out, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris have issued a statewide order mandating everyone wear masks or cloth face coverings whenever within six feet of other people not from your household in order to attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Wal-Mart, Publix, Dollar General and many other businesses are denying entry to anyone who will not wear a mask or a cloth face covering. The ABC Board has ordered all bars and restaurants to stop serving alcohol after 11:00 p.m.
Public health authorities are advising everyone to socially distance. Don’t shake hands or hug people. Businesses are operating at 50 percent capacity and people are asked to stay six feet away from others whenever possible.
Citizens are asked to avoid large gatherings, wash hands frequently and avoid touching your face.