Congressman Mo Brooks blasted what he said is bias at the cable news channel MSNBC, which he called “clear and irrefutable.” Brooks’ comments were in response to recent remarks by the network’s Chuck Todd, who said on air that the network has “no editorial point of view.”
“Chuck Todd claims no bias at MSNBC,” Brooks said on social media. “Have you ever heard such hogwash? MSNBC spends every hour of everyday denigrating Republicans and President Trump. The bias is clear and irrefutable. Chuck Todd’s claim only proves how out of touch MSNBC is with the American people.”
Todd said, “Just a reminder for what it’s worth, there is no editorial point of view here on any of these newscasts on MSNBC in the daytime hours.”
Todd’s comments were in response to comments by Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh on the network on Wednesday alleging bias at the network. Murtaugh was being questioned about the possible spread of the coronavirus at Trump rallies, particularly the controversial indoor rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, four weeks ago.
“We take extraordinary steps to protect the people at rally,” Murtaugh said. “We gave everyone who came in had to pass a temperature check. We provided more hand sanitizer than any large group could use. No organized efforts for safety at these protests.”
“I do not recall MSNBC or CNN or anybody being concerned about the safety of those gatherings,” Murtaugh continued. “But, suddenly, when it is a President Trump rally then these safety measures are of paramount. But when it’s a large gathering with a political message that MSNBC would agree with, suddenly safety measures are really on the back burner.”