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Pike County DHR social worker receives Spirit of Adult Protective Services Award

Award - Bronze plaque mounted on maple wood wall - 3D rendered royalty free stock picture. This image can be used for an online website banner ad or a print postcard.

The Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR) announced on Wednesday that Raven Boswell, a licensed social worker with the Pike County Department of Human Resources is the recipient of the 2020 Alabama Spirit of Adult Protective Services (APS) Award.

The award is presented annually to a frontline worker who, through his or her own initiative and innovative ideas, make substantial contributions to the growth and development of the APS program. As the Spirit of APS Award recipient for Alabama, Ms. Boswell will be nominated for the National Spirit of Adult Protective Services Award (NAPSA) held in November 2020.

Boswell began her career with the Pike County DHR in the Adult Protective Services program in December 2013. She works closely with law enforcement, attorneys, judges, healthcare providers, placement resources, and the community as she navigates the goal of keeping vulnerable adults safe. Ms. Boswell has developed an invaluable rapport with community stakeholders who recognize her diligence and reliability when advocating for adults in the community.

Shortly after beginning her employment with DHR, Ms. Boswell played an instrumental role in assisting with the closure of an unlicensed group home in which more than 20 vulnerable adults were being mistreated and neglected. Since the experience, Ms. Boswell has been dedicated to the APS program which has greatly benefited Alabama citizens.

Alabama Department of Human Resources Commissioner Nancy Buckner said, “Working with our Adult Protective Services clients takes an incredibly special, compassionate and talented person and Raven Boswell is certainly all of those things. In her six years with APS she has demonstrated an extremely high level of understanding, compassion, and concern for this group of Alabama’s most vulnerable citizens. Her unsurpassed dedication to DHR’s mission of protecting elderly and disabled adults is demonstrated as she consistently exhibits integrity and commitment in her daily work. Not only is she concerned with defending the defenseless, but she also makes extraordinary efforts to ensure stakeholders are acknowledged for the invaluable services they provide to vulnerable adults.”

During this unprecedented time of COVID-19, Ms. Boswell has maintained contact with her clients and providers by providing them with greeting cards to remind them that she is thinking of them. Additionally, Ms. Boswell recognizes community leaders and service providers each year by presenting them with awards in which they proudly display in their establishments.

Sam Smith, Director of APS for the Alabama Department of Human Resources commented, “Raven’s tireless efforts to bring awareness to the community reflect a better understanding of the problem and promote increased care and intervention for those who are victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Without this outreach many elderly and disabled victims of abuse may otherwise go unnoticed. Raven’s model of service to others in her community and our State is a great credit upon herself and an example for others to follow.”

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Pike County DHR Director, Patricia Faircloth said, “Ms. Boswell consistently exceeds standards in her ability to demonstrate the skills necessary to manage a caseload of ongoing Adult Protective Services cases. She has received recommendation letters from local APS stakeholders throughout her career and she is extremely respected in our community. Ms. Boswell is an invaluable asset to Adult Protective Services in Pike County and is a role model and future leader.”

The mission of the DHR Adult Protective Services Division is to support and enable county departments to protect elderly and disabled adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation and to prevent unnecessary institutionalization.

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