U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt’s congressional campaign announced Monday the U.S. Chamber of Commerce had endorsed the congressman.
“On behalf of the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, I am pleased to inform you that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has endorsed your candidacy for reelection to the United States House of Representatives,” the Chamber wrote.
“The Chamber endorses pro-business leaders in Congress and vigorously supports policies that advance economic growth, help create jobs, and promote fiscal responsibility,’ the Chamber explained. “Last year the House passed the USMCA, renewed the charter of the Export-Import Bank, reauthorized Terrorism Risk Insurance, and restored critical resources for highway funding. While just a snapshot of important House activity in 2019, your lifetime percentage on the Chamber’s How They Voted scorecard was the driving factor in achieving this endorsement for 2020.”
“In challenging times, we are reminded of the importance of having leaders who understand the genius of the American system of government and free enterprise and who are willing to tackle the hard problems that confront our nation,” the Chamber added. “Your continued leadership in Congress will benefit the nation as we combat the coronavirus, work to restore economic growth, and expand opportunities for all Americans.”
Ashlee Rich Stephenson is the vice president and national political director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The state affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Council of Alabama, endorsed Aderholt in February.
Aderholt is seeking his 13th term representing Alabama’s 4th Congressional District. Aderholt supports President Donald Trump and straight-ticket Republican voting. In a social media comment on Thursday, Aderholt said, “The radical left wing mob will not stop until they erase all of America’s history. We CANNOT let this happen. Vote straight Republican this November to assure we have leaders who stand against the out of control mob. #VoteRed.”
Aderholt was also recently endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee.
Aderholt is a member of the powerful House Committee on Appropriations, which has jurisdiction over funding the operation of the federal government.
He serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science. Aderholt also serves as a member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Subcommittee and the Defense Subcommittee. Aderholt is an advocate of fiscal responsibility, truth in budgeting and a federal government that operates within its means.
Aderholt also serves as a commission member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (commonly known as the Helsinki Commission). The Helsinki Commission is comprised of 56 countries around the world that together monitors human rights in Europe and Central Asia.
Aderholt believes the federal government serves a critical role in assisting state and local projects regarding economic development. He supports pro-growth initiatives that create jobs, strong immigration standards, and robust national security.
Prior to his election to Congress in 1996, Aderholt served as Assistant Legal Advisor to former Gov. Fob James as well as municipal judge for the city of Haleyville, Alabama. Aderholt has a bachelor’s degree from Birmingham Southern College and a law degree from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University. He was born on July 22, 1965, and raised in Alabama, Aderholt and his wife, Caroline, have two children.
Aderholt faces Democrat Rick Neighbors in the fall general election on Nov. 3.