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Sessions: DACA decision “example of unelected judges” advancing cause of the “socialist left”

Jeff Sessions

Thursday, former U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) denounced the 5 to 4 Supreme Court decision to block the Trump Administration’s efforts to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was started in 2012 by President Barack H Obama (D).

“The Supreme Court continues to undermine law and the efficacy of the entire democratic process by indulging in complex technical gymnastics and even by altering the meaning of words to achieve a desired result,” said former Sen. Sessions in a statement. “This is not the role of the courts.”

“After admitting 22 times that he did not have the power to reverse clear immigration law, President Barack Obama yielded to pressure from the hard left and Democratic Party activists and did just that; calling his blanket, non-enforcement policy “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA),” Sessions continued. “It has never been anything more than an intentional nullification of the law. I criticized it steadfastly in the Senate, and candidate Trump promised to change it if elected. We did just that. As Attorney General, I fought to defend his decision, and to return the nation’s policy to the law.”

“It simply cannot be that when one President alters law by fiat the next President cannot undo it,” Sessions continued. “The DACA decision is yet another example of unelected judges advancing the causes of the socialist left. This week alone, in this case and in the definition of sex in the 1964 Civil Rights Act case, this Court has continued its leftward march. These decisions are unprincipled as a matter of law and have produced results that the people and their elected representatives have repeatedly rejected. This must end.”

Sessions is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in the July 14 Republican primary runoff on July 14. His GOP opponent is former Auburn head football Coach Tommy Tuberville.

Sessions maintains that he would be a stronger advocate for combating illegal immigration than Tuberville.

Sessions said, “The Supreme Court today imposed on everyone Tommy Tuberville’s immigration plan: Illegal aliens can stay as long as we “know who they are.” Tuberville says, “There are people coming across the border that need jobs, okay, and we want them to come over here, we just need to know who’s here, okay. Put the wall up, then we let them come in, and become citizens like we all became citizens.” Tuberville cannot be trusted to stand up to the amnesty crowd.”

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“These decisions do serious damage to the legitimacy of the Court as a nonpolitical body,” Sessions concluded. “If they choose to play in the political vortex, they forfeit the respect they have claimed as neutral umpires. The people are not fooled, they can see what is happening. They will not acquiesce as the Supreme Court eviscerates the limits on their powers under the Constitution. They will not tolerate an unelected, unaccountable, liberal oligarchy setting policies by decree that the people and their representatives have refused to adopt.”

Sessions served in the U.S. Senate from 1997 to 2017, when he was confirmed as U.S. Attorney General. Sessions was fired as AG by Trump in November 2018. Sessions previously served as Alabama Attorney General, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, U.S. Attorney, Deputy Attorney General, and as a reserve officer in the U.S. Army.

The winner of the Republican primary runoff will face incumbent Sen. Doug Jones (D-Alabama) in the November 3 general election.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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