Mobile County Commissioner Jerry Carl was endorsed for the 1st Congressional District by incumbent Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, on Thursday.
“In these tough times, we need strong leadership in Congress,” Byrne said. “That’s why I’m proud to endorse Jerry Carl. Like President Trump, Jerry’s got a backbone – he’s tough, he’s strong, and he is the only one who will stand with Trump and fight for our values. President Trump and south Alabama need Jerry Carl in Congress, and I am proud to be voting for Jerry on July 14th.”
“Congressman Byrne is a great friend and has been a well-respected leader in our community for years,” Carl said. “Throughout his time in public service, he has served south Alabama in many capacities, and we have worked closely together on numerous projects to bring economic growth and opportunity to our area. During his time in Congress, Bradley Byrne has been a tireless advocate for our 2nd Amendment rights, the rights of the unborn, and has consistently fought against government overreach. I am proud to have the support of Congressman Byrne, and I look forward to representing south Alabama in Congress and fighting for our conservative values.”
Carl has amassed a number of endorsed in addition to Byrne. Former primary opponents, State Rep. Chris Pringle and businessman Wes Lambert, the Alabama Farmers Federation, UPS, Alabama Power, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, the Credit Union National Association, the Committee for the Advancement of Cotton, the National Community Pharmacists Association and Coastal 150 have all endorsed Carl.
Carl was born in Mobile, started his first company at the age of 25 and grew that small business into numerous other companies throughout the region. In all, Jerry has started over ten different companies ranging from real estate to healthcare and timber, to even the manufacturing of church furniture.
Carl and his wife Tina have been married for over 37 years. They have children and grandchildren.
When Carl was frustrated with the direction of Mobile’s local government, he ran for County Commission where he still serves today. On the county commission, he has been a vocal fiscal hawk and advocate for pro-growth, job-creating policies, and is laser‑focused on creating economic opportunities so good-paying jobs can be created.
Carl is an avid hunter, a lifelong supporter of Second Amendment rights, and believes all human life should be protected from the moment of conception.
Carl is promising to build the wall along our southern border, “stop the liberals from imposing a 90% tax rate on hard-working Alabamians,” and “stand with Trump to do what’s right and fight for us.”
Carl faces former State Senator Bill Hightower in the Republican primary runoff on July 14. The eventual Republican nominee will face the winner of the Democratic primary runoff where James Averhart is squaring off against Kiani Gardner.