The elderly population and disabled adults in our state and communities have the right to feel safe and to be treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every elderly individual and disabled adult in our state. Based upon reports from previous years, thousands of elderly individuals and disabled adults have been and are being abused, neglected and exploited in Alabama every year.
In an effort to promote elder abuse awareness, Governor Kay Ivey declared June 15, 2020 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Alabama. Agencies, organizations, communities and professionals around the world will observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Activities are scheduled to take place in all 67 County DHR offices and State DHR in observance of the day.
The national theme for this year’s observance is “Using the Past to Re-write the Future”. The nationally recognized color to represent elder abuse awareness is purple. We are asking each community member to please wear purple throughout the month of June.
The Department of Human Resources (DHR) is responsible for investigating reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation regarding the elderly and disabled adults. In FY 2019, the DHR investigated 10,827 reports of suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults statewide, which included elderly individuals and disabled adults.
DHR is requesting the assistance of all community members to help with protecting our vulnerable citizens as they have contributed so much to society. If you suspect an elderly person or an adult with disabilities is being mistreated please make reports to our toll-free Adult Abuse Hotline, 1-800-458-7214, and via online at All reports are confidential and may be made anonymously.