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Circumstances prompting FBI action at Athens superintendent’s home unclear


The circumstances that prompted an FBI raid of a north Alabama school superintendent’s home on Tuesday remain unclear. 

An FBI spokesperson confirmed that the agency conducted a “law enforcement action” at the home of Athens Superintendent Trey Holladay, but declined to provide additional information or give any indication if the action involved Holladay’s work as a superintendent. 

Late Tuesday afternoon, Holladay issued a vague statement in which he said no charges have been filed against him.

I am proud to be the Superintendent of Education for the Athens City School System,” Holladay’s statement read. “I have had the privilege of being an educator for over 35 years. There are absolutely no charges filed against me. I appreciate so much the overwhelming support from my friends and community.”

Television station WAFF-48 reported that Athens Police assisted in the action, but an Athens police spokesperson declined to offer any additional information. 

Holladay has retained prominent Montgomery defense attorney Joe Espy. 

Holladay has been the superintendent in Athens since 2013 and has spent more than 30 years in public education in the state of Alabama.

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Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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