The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste on Thursday named U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, a 2019 “Taxpayer Super Hero.”
Only 27 members out of 435 voting members of the U.S. House of Representatives were named a 2019 “Taxpayer Super Hero.” Only members with a perfect 100 percent score on CCAGW’s 2019 Congressional Ratings received the designation.
Brooks is the only member of the Alabama congressional delegation to be named a 2019 “Taxpayer Super Hero.” By comparison, the average score among House Republicans was 89 percent in 2019.
Brooks praised the group and thanked them for the award.
“The CCAGW is one of America’s leading nonpartisan, nonprofit grassroots advocacy organizations focused on eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government,” Brooks said. “I’m honored the group named me, one of only 27 House members to receive the honor, a 2019 ‘Taxpayer Super Hero’ for my 100% financially responsible voting record.”
Brooks warned of the growing national debt crisis.
“America’s national debt blew through $23 trillion in November, $24 trillion in April, and $25 trillion in May,” Brooks said. “In April, the federal government set a new record for the largest ever monthly deficit increase at $738 billion. With Socialists in Washington clamoring to bankrupt America, destroy America, and reshape America into a Socialist country, financial responsibility is more important now than ever.”
“The Socialists cannot win!” Brooks said. “I’ll continue fighting for financial responsibility and voting to avoid a disastrous American insolvency and bankruptcy. I’m glad to have CCAGW as an ally in the fight.”
CCAGW President Tom Schatz said in a statement, “We applaud the Taxpayer Heroes for their votes to cut wasteful spending and defend the interests of taxpayers. In this unprecedented time in American history, the actions of these members are an encouraging sign, and their constituents should congratulate them. It is promising to see the number of Taxpayer Super Heroes continue to grow each year. However, there are still far too many lawmakers who supported expanding the federal bureaucratic state at taxpayer expense in 2019. Hopefully, these reckless spenders will change their porkish ways in 2020 and vote to eliminate the extensive waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement that still plagues the Washington swamp, since now more than ever the government should be spending the taxpayers’ money effectively and efficiently.”
The national debt has ballooned to $25,369 billion. Despite this, some members of Congress are actually advocating for a $3 trillion increase in the debt to pay for another short term coronavirus aid bill, the Heroes Act.
Brooks represents Alabama’s 5th Congressional District.