Congressman Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives last week to express his opposition to the controversial Heroes Act.
“No doubt, as it has been said, state and local governments across this nation are hurting because of the economic downturn this virus has created,” Aderhold said. “However, these times call for cooperation, the Democrats, unfortunately, have chosen partisanship. America needs us to come together to address this pandemic, but the Democrats chose their own way, shutting out the Republicans in discussing this bill.”
“Unfortunately, the Democrat leadership seems more interested in shaping the debate for November than solving the real problems that this country is going through today,” Aderholt told the House members. “Among the many concerns with this package is the election mandates. The Democrat pipe dream would lead to widespread voter fraud by allowing ballot harvesting and prohibiting even states from requiring voter Identification.”
“Let me be clear – this bill is chocked full of proposals that have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the economic harms from the pandemic virus that we’re experiencing in this nation,” Aderholt continued. “A three trillion dollar liberal wish list is not a serious proposal. The United States of America, this country, deserves better.”
Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, also did not like the bill.
“Speaker Pelosi is trying to shove her liberal wish list down our throats,” Byrne said on social media. “There have been no hearings, no markups, no public meetings as this bill was drafted. I’ll be VOTING AGAINST this pie-in-the-sky proposal!”
Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, also expressed his opposition to the plan.
“Pelosi’s $3 trillion Socialist spending monstrosity has nothing to do with fighting COVID-19 or holding China accountable for the 300,000+ global deaths they caused,” Brooks said. “It’s about using a crisis to reshape America. The bill the House votes on today contains scores of extraneous provisions, not related to COVID-19, that Socialist Democrats have wanted to pass for years.”
Brooks warned that if the bill were implemented it, “Would: provide work permits for illegal aliens; make illegal aliens eligible for COVID-19 stimulus payments; release federal prisoners; federalize state elections and make it easier for Socialist Democrats to steal elections with voter fraud; expand Obamacare; use taxpayer dollars to bail out failing multiemployer pension plans while failing to include any reforms to fix the problem.”
“Socialist will stop at nothing to implement their reckless agenda in America,” Brooks warned. “For the good of future generations, the Socialists must be stopped.”
The plan, if passed by Congress and signed by the President, would add $3 trillion to the national debt, which has already ballooned to $25,308 billion.
Government policies to slow the spread of the coronavirus have contributed to what Alabama Senator President Pro Tem. Del Marsh, R-Anniston, has called, “A government induced recession.” April unemployment was at 14.7 percent and actual joblessness is estimated at 24 percent, both numbers not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. 40 percent of American workers who made less than $40 thousand a year have lost their jobs in the last ten weeks. Despite the desperate government attempts to slow the spread of the coronavirus global pandemic, 1,550,699 Americans have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, a strain of coronavirus originating in Wuhan City, China in late 2019. 92,036 of those Americans have already died from COVID-19, the condition caused by the coronavirus, and 16,868 are in serious or critical condition.
Congressman Robert Aderholt represents Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District.