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Alabama Republicans praise decision to drop case against Flynn


Thursday, Timothy Shea, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, made the announced that the government was dropping its case against former General Michael Flynn. The Justice Department made the announcement in a 20-page court filing. The news of the dismissal was welcomed by many Alabama Republicans.

“GOOD WORK, AG BARR!” former Senator Jeff Sessions (R) wrote on social media. “It has become clear that James Comey (who President Trump fired on my recommendation) was masterminding a perjury trap for General Flynn before I was AG, despite NO valid predicate for targeting him.”

“Comey even BRAGGED that he sent agents to Flynn, in violation of the rules,” Sessions continued. :This was a huge injustice. I worked to CLEAN UP corruption at DOJ, including by firing Andy McCabe & recommending Pres. Trump fire Comey. AG Barr continues to make progress restoring the Dept of Justice!”

“General Flynn has shown himself to be a man of courage and integrity, and I pray that God restores him and his family, as He has mine,” said congressional candidate former State Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) who compared Flynn’s ordeal to his own acquittal for perjury. “God Bless General Flynn. He’s a shining example of how in the end, the good guys do win.”

Trump national finance committee member former State Rep. Perry O. Hooper Jr. (R-Montgomery) urged the Trump Administration to bring Gen. Flynn back as National Security Advisor, the post he was in when he got caught up in the Russian collusion investigation, or as Director of the FBI,

“General Flynn’s prosecution was a politically motivated set up.” Said Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) wrote. “It was a miscarriage of justice and a shameless attempt at undermining America’s duly elected president by partisan federal government employees. As I’ve said before, every single federal government official who misused America’s justice system in the attempted coup against President Trump ought to be jailed to the maximum extent of the law. They’ve committed serious crimes that ought to have serious consequences.”

Over 2,000 former Department of Justice employees have signed a petition demanding that Barr resign as a result of the Flynn exoneration.

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Moore is a Republican primary runoff candidate in First Congressional District while Sessions is running for Senate in the same Republican primary runoff election in July.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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