Friday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said that General Michael Flynn’s prosecution, “was a miscarriage of justice.”
“General Flynn’s prosecution was a politically motivated set up.” Brooks wrote. “It was a miscarriage of justice and a shameless attempt at undermining America’s duly elected president by partisan federal government employees. As I’ve said before, every single federal government official who misused America’s justice system in the attempted coup against President Trump ought to be jailed to the maximum extent of the law. They’ve committed serious crimes that ought to have serious consequences.”
Timothy Shea, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, made the announced in a 20-page court filing Thursday afternoon that all the charges against Gen. Flynn have been dismissed.
“The United States of America hereby moves to dismiss with prejudice the criminal information filed against Michael T. Flynn,” the government wrote in the filing. “The Government has determined, pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice.”
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany blasted the effort to prosecute Gen. Flynn.
“The FBI exists to investigate crimes. But in the case of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, it appears that they might have existed to manufacture one,” McEnany said at the White House press briefing. “As the motion filed by the Department of Justice yesterday explained, the FBI set out to interview General Michael Flynn, when they had no predigate [sic] — predicate for any investigation of any crime.”
“Over the past week, we learned, from a handwritten note, the true intent behind the FBI’s investigation of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn,” McEnany explained. “The very day that then-FBI Director Jim Comey sent agents to the White House to interview Flynn, the FBI discussed what their intent was beforehand. This is what they said: “What is our goal? Truth, admission? Or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” These notes, in addition to other evidence, raise serious questions about the handling of the — of the FBI’s handling of Michael Flynn’s case.”
“The intelligence community was hunting for evidence against General Flynn — evidence they did not find,” McEnany charged. “We learned from newly released transcripts that in stark contrast to what former DNI James Clapper had been saying publicly, and contrary to what he was saying publicly, here’s what he was saying privately with regard to Russian collusion: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting [or] conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.” Sounds awfully different from what he just said 10 days prior in a public capacity.”
“Michael Flynn didn’t violate the Logan Act. Even the FBI did not think that General Flynn’s telephone call provided the predicate for a criminal investigation,” McEnany stated. “In fact, in January of 2017, an internal FBI document concluded that Flynn was, quote, “no longer a valid viable candidate for investigation.” Disgraced FBI agent and noted Trump hater, Peter Strzok, disagreed, texting this: “Hey, if you haven’t closed that Flynn case yet, don’t do so yet.” End quote. So the Flynn case remained active. This was a good thing for Peter Strzok, but it was a bad thing for justice. It was a bad thing for the rule of law.”
“When I look at what they did to him. They tormented him,” President Donald J. Trump (R) said. “Dirty cops tormented General Flynn. General Flynn is a fine man 35 years or so in the military You don’t get to be where he is by being bad. And then right at the beginning of the administration the dirty cops came in and you see the notes, Jim. Whether you are on our side or another. Lets Talk about fairness What they did to General Flynn and by the way to Roger Stone and to others was a disaster and a disgrace and it should never be allowed to happen in this country again.”
Trump Finance Committee member Perry O. Hooper Jr. told the Alabama Political Reporter “General Flynn was innocent and has been totally exonerated.
Hooper blamed Peter Strzok and the deep state for conspiring to set up Flynn.
Congressman Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.