Thursday, the Barry Moore for Congress campaign released information from the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (OIA) on the status of federal coordination and assistance efforts to Alabama during the coronavirus pandemic.
The campaign website,, has been updated with an overview page containing data on medical supplies provided to the State as well as links to assistance programs in the federal Departments most actively involved in the response.
“The White House and President Trump have been in constant communication with our campaign with updates about COVID-19 and our economy,” former State Representative Moore said. “President Trump has guided us through this crisis and has shown true leadership. He has done a tremendous amount to help the State of Alabama and our nation.”
“I encourage everyone to view the information we have published on our site,” Moore added. “Together, we will rise! God Bless America and the great state of Alabama.”
The campaign has been providing coronavirus assistance information via social media and campaign website since early April. The new page expands on that information as well as giving details about other federal coordination efforts as well as quantities of masks, gowns, gloves and other equipment received by the State through Project Air Bridge, the Strategic National Stockpile and other programs.
As of April 27th, Alabama has received a total of 486,212 N95 masks, 4,016,480 surgical masks, 154,922 face shields, and 83,523,559 gloves according to the OIA. FEMA and the Department of Health and Human Services together have directly provided and/or allocated over $1 billion dollars to the State, with another $4.8 billion in Small Business Administration and $2.4 billion Economic Impact Payments (EIP) having been provided under the CARES Act.
Barry Moore previously served 8 years in the Alabama legislature. He and his wife Heather run a sanitation company in Enterprise. Moore is a veteran.
Moore is seeking the Alabama Second Congressional District seat held by Rep. Martha Roby, who is retiring. Moore will be on the ballot on the Republican Primary runoff ballot versus Dothan businessman Jeff Coleman on July 14th. Moore is a father of four.