Alabamians just finished an entire month under a shelter in place order put in place by Gov. Kay Ivey (R) to protect them from contracting the coronavirus strain, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. Over a million of our countrymen have been infected with the virus. 5,151 died from COVID-19 in March. 58,720 died in April alone, despite the unprecedented weeks long forced shutdown of the economy to fight the spread of the virus.
In these difficult times, many Alabamians have shown incredible courage and generosity. Nobody is helping more than healthcare workers. As coronavirus patients continue to stream to our doctors’ offices and hospitals for care healthcare workers are on the front lines of this crisis.
“There are many Americans who are selflessly serving on the frontlines every day, specifically our healthcare workers,” said Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery). “We recently celebrated Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, or Lab Week, honoring the work of lab and medical professionals across the country. These men and women are working around the clock to treat Coronavirus patients, research potential treatments and therapies, and develop vaccines to fight this virus. I would like to give a very special “thank you” to all those involved in combatting the spread of COVID-19. I am hopeful that the steadfast efforts of Alabamians and the American people will lead us to conquer the many challenges COVID-19 has brought upon us.”
“First responders, medical workers have put aside their fears for their personal safety and are performing their essential duties during this time of crisis at extraordinary levels,” Trump Finance Committee member form State Rep. Perry O. Hooper said. “Workers performing essential services such as grocery store employees, also continue to serve the public despite the elevated risk levels. Active duty military and reserve units alike are working 24 7 building fully equipped field hospitals in unlikely places such as New York’s Central Park and Javits Convention Center.”
Hooper made special note of his friend, Hillary Wellborn, who volunteered to serve as a nurse in New York City, where the virus is most intense.
“They put their talents to work to serve their neighbors,” Hooper said of frontline medical workers. “They truly become their brother’s keepers.”
“I would like to give an incredibly special thank you to Hillary Wellborn,” Hooper said. “With a true servant’s heart, she left the relative safety of Ashland Alabama and traveled to New York City to serve as a volunteer nurse. I would also like thank my good, friend Hillary’s father in law Paul Wellborn, CEO of Wellborn Cabinets, and her husband Jason for their support of her on this mission of mercy.”
As of press time, 234,497 people have died in the global pandemic, including 63,871 Americans.
“As we approach the end of the month, the current directives and public health orders established to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will begin to change in some form,” Roby said. “We must continue to follow all the regulations that are put in place. These orders prioritize the health and safety of all Alabamians and are an imperative part of the process in allowing us to return to more normal day-to-day routines and activities.”
“It is up to everyone to do their part,” Hooper concluded. “Practice social distancing whenever you are in public. Do not hoard food and other essential supplies. Lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need. We can get through this together and come out of it stronger as a Country when we defeat this unseen enemy.”
Marth Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District.