The Alabama Supreme Court on Thursday issued an order extending a suspension of all in-person court proceedings through May 15 in response to COVID-19.
The state Supreme Court previously issued an order March 13 suspending all in-person court hearings for a month.
Thursday’s order from the court extends the suspension to match Gov. Kay Ivey’s April 28 “safer-at-home” order, which is also set to expire May 15.
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“Effective May 1, 2020, all officials in the appellate courts, circuit courts, district courts, juvenile courts, municipal courts, and probate courts are authorized to prepare their offices and courtrooms for in-person court proceedings and shall have the authority to direct non-vulnerable employees to appear at work in person. Operations of the official’s office must comply fully with the recommendations and requirements of the Safer at Home Order concerning protections for employees and other individuals,” Thursday’s order from the court reads.
“To limit in-person contact, trial courts should continue to conduct hearings by teleconference and videoconference,” the order continues. “The clerks of court shall also continue to use technology and other means to limit in-person contact. Jury trials shall remain suspended, and no juror summons shall be issued prior to July 1, 2020.”