Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, announced Monday that Mark Pettitt, his longtime chief of staff, will retire effective no later than June 5th.
“I thank Mark for ably and honorably serving as my chief of staff for more than 9 years— since my first day as a member of Congress,” Brooks said in a statement. “Mark’s tenure as chief of staff caps an already exemplary career as a successful private sector engineer. Given his background, Mark always offered a unique perspective on federal policy issues. A Tennessee Valley native, Mark has been particularly active in addressing America’s trade imbalances and has long advocated for trade policies that benefit American workers. Mark and I have been close friends since our days at Grissom High School. I will miss his sound and candid guidance. I cannot thank Mark enough for the value he provided me and the Tennessee Valley. I wish Mark joy and contentment as he embarks on this next phase of life. I know how much he is looking forward to enjoying well-deserved time with his wife, Diane, five children, and 12 grandchildren! Mark has earned every bit of that family time.”
“I am very thankful and honored my dear friend trusted me to help him serve our country at such a critical time in American history,” Mark Pettitt said. “I am especially proud of the record Congressman Brooks has built for correctly considering the cascading effects of fiscal, trade, and immigration policies on working American families. The premier organization seeking to achieve immigration levels that stabilize US population, NumbersUSA, has consistently ranked Congressman Brooks at the top of their scorecards. The influential Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) has recognized Congressman Brooks with their ‘American Trade Hero’ award. His advocacy for fiscally responsible budgets and strong national defense is without peer. I sincerely thank all the great staff members who helped support these efforts over the years. While I am leaving Capitol Hill, I will continue to do my small part to put more people with Mo’s understanding and political courage in Congress.”
Congressman Mo Brooks is serving in his fifth term representing Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District. On March 1, Brooks defeated his Republican primary opponent in a landslide. Brooks has no Democratic opponent in the November General Election.