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Roby urges public to follow all the regulations put in place to fight the coronavirus

Congresswoman Martha Roby on Monday said that the directives and public health orders to fight the coronavirus are beginning to change, but urged constituents to continue to follow all the regulations put in place by our government officials.

“The current directives and public health orders established to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will begin to change in some form as we approach the end of the month,” Roby said. “We must continue to follow all the regulations that are put in place by our government officials, as these orders prioritize the health and safety of all Alabamians and are an imperative part of the process in allowing us to return to more normal day-to-day routines and activities.”

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey is expected to announce a phased reopening of the economy with social distancing staying in place Tuesday at a news conference in Montgomery.

“By adhering to all guidelines whether they remain the same or enact an element of change, we are each doing our part in protecting ourselves and others around us,” Roby continued. “Following proper protocols will help determine how we all progress to fight this virus and the economic impacts it has brought with it.”

“Please make sure you are knowledgeable about Alabama’s statewide stay-at-home guidelines that expire April 30, as well as the social distancing guidelines issued by the Administration,” Roby concluded.

The White House has urged that all individuals continue to practice good hygiene:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow.
  • Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible.
  • Strongly consider using face coverings while in public, and particularly when using mass transit.
  • Do not go to work or school.
  • Contact and follow the advice of your medical provider.

According to the White House guidelines, during phase one: schools and organized youth activities (e.g., daycare, camp) that are currently closed should remain closed. Visits to senior living facilities and hospitals should be prohibited. Those who do interact with residents and patients must adhere to strict protocols regarding hygiene. Large venues (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under strict physical distancing protocols. Elective surgeries can resume, as clinically appropriate, on an outpatient basis at facilities that adhere to CMS guidelines. Gyms can open if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols. Bars should remain closed.

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To read more about the White House guidelines for reopening the American economy, click here.

It is not known whether Ivey will follow the guidelines written by the White House or will write her own protocols for phase one.

Alabama has had 6,539 diagnosed cases of COVID-19. 228 Alabamians have already died from the COVID-19 plague. Globally there have been 3,064,255 diagnosed cases of coronavirus and 211,537 deaths in the Wuhan coronavirus global pandemic.

Roby is serving in her fifth term representing Alabama’s Second Congressional District. Roby is not seeking re-election when her current term expires.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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