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COVID-19 cases in Alabama jump 50 percent in 24 hours to 78

Twenty-seven new COVID-19 cases have been reported in Alabama Thursday, a 50 percent increase over the total Wednesday.

The total number of novel coronavirus cases in the state is now 78.

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New cases were reported in several counties Thursday including Chambers, Walker, Talladega and Mobile Counties. Several cases were reported in Jefferson, Lee, Madison and Elmore counties.

Public health officials said Thursday that they believe there is community transmission across the state. That means that a number of cases can’t be connected to travel in other affected states or regions.

New cases were reported in two nursing homes in Jefferson County, in schools in Elmore County and in one of the state’s prisons.

Jefferson County still has the most cases in the state at 34. Lee County has 10 cases.

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We’ll continue to update our interactive map, where we’re tracking the COVID-19 cases.


Chip Brownlee is a former political reporter, online content manager and webmaster at the Alabama Political Reporter. He is now a reporter at The Trace, a non-profit newsroom covering guns in America.

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