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Barry Moore says he supports Trump’s effort to fight the coronavirus

Congressman Barry Moore

Wednesday, Congressional candidate former State Representative Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) expressed his confidence in the President’s announced plans to help Americans weather the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This President is once again showing great leadership, as he has since this crisis began,” Rep. Moore said. “His actions early on to restrict travel into this country from China are the main reason we’ve seen relatively few cases of the virus thus far, as compared to Europe. Europe didn’t limit travel like we did, and now are dealing with an explosion of cases of the virus.”

“Stopping all travel from Europe for 30 days is a major step, and the President didn’t take it lightly,” Moore continued. “I really don’t see that he had a choice, if he’s going to continue to limit the virus’ entry into our cities. I’m happy that his team, led by Vice President Pence, is monitoring the situation both in Europe and China carefully. The President did say that he would reevaluate the travel restrictions frequently with an eye towards relaxing them as soon as it’s safe.”

“I only hope that Congress, especially the House leadership, will answer the President’s call to put aside politics and work together to pass the payroll tax cut and the other economic measures he’s asked for,” Moore said. .“This President’s policies have given us a strong economy, and he’s continuing to take action to protect our economy. My biggest concern right now is that the Democrats will continue to play their petty partisan games and fight the President on what the country needs right now.”

Trump Finance Committee member Perry O. Hooper Jr. said, “This is another example of President Trump’s bold decisive leadership. Congress must put aside partisan differences and support the President’s call for temporary suspension of payroll taxes and additional travel bans on “Europe”. The temporary suspension of the payroll tax will provide an economic stimulus when the country needs it the most. The additional SBA low-interest loans will assure that small businesses will survive this crisis. As the President stated and I totally agree, we must act with love and compassion”

Barry Moore will be in the Republican run-off election for Alabama’s Second Congressional Distict on March 31 against Jeff Coleman.

Globally, 126,380 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, including 1,329 Americans. 38 Americans have died. While this pandemic began in China, Europe has been especially hard hit.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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