On December 14, 2019, Alabama celebrated its 200th year of statehood, and ALABAMA 200 would like to honor babies born on the state’s birthday with a special collection of bicentennial items.
Bicentennial babies will receive a copy of “Alabama My Home Sweet Home,” a beautiful children’s book by beloved Alabama author Charles Ghigna, also known as Father Goose. A Camellia Bear squeeze toy and Bicentennial Baby bib are also included, along with a set of educational posters suitable for framing.
If you or someone you know had a baby on December 14, 2019, let ALABAMA 200 know! Parents or grandparents should send an email with a mailing address and a copy of their baby’s birth certificate or announcement to debra.pascal@bicentennial.alabama.gov. ALABAMA 200 will send your bicentennial baby his or her own commemorative gift.
Call 334-242-4537 with questions or for more information. Visitwww.ALABAMA200.org to find out more about the commemoration of Alabama’s 200th birthday and related projects.