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House vote to raise age of marriage to age 18


Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives voted to raise the age that an Alabamian can marry without their parents’ consent from age 16 to age 18.

House Bill 48 is sponsored by State Representative Laura Hall (D-Huntsville). The bill was carried on the floor by Rep. Artis “A.J.” McCampbell (D-Livingston).

HB48 as introduced would raise the age of marriage from 16 to 17. 16 is the legal “age of consent” to engage in sexual activity in the state of Alabama.

Rep. Mike Jones (R-Andalusia) brought an amendment to the bill raising the age to 18.

“This is the age to contract without the consent of a parent,” Jones said. Under Alabama law the age to make a contract is 19. This was an exception to that.

Jones said that person seventeen year olds and younger than that can still get married; but they would have to do so with the consent of their parents or legal guardian unless they have been emancipated by a court.

McCampbell accepted Jones’ amendment making the age of marriage 18. The House adopted the amendment on a 97 to 4 vote.

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HB48 passed the House with a vote of 100 to 2.

The bill now moves to the Alabama Senate for their consideration.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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