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Brooks, Rogers vote for resolution to reprimand Pelosi

President Barack Obama delivers a health care address to a joint session of Congress at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sept. 9, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

Thursday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and Mike Rogers (R-Saks) voted “No” against the Democrats’ motion to kill H.Res. 832, which disapproved of Speaker Pelosi’s tearing apart the House’s official copy of President Trump’s State of the Union Address.

“When a Republican congressman muttered ‘You lie’ during Obama’s State of the Union, the House voted to censure him,” Representative Brooks said. “I support equal treatment. Nancy Pelosi ripped apart President Trump’s State of the Union speech with the eyes of the world on her and while President Trump was still at the podium. Her behavior is disgraceful and unprofessional and she deserves censure. I cosponsored the disapproval resolution, and I’m disappointed that enough Socialist Democrats voted to approve Pelosi’s unprofessional behavior to kill the resolution. Talk about a double standard and unequal treatment of Republicans versus Democrats!”

“Speaker Pelosi’s behavior at the State of the Union is an embarrassment to our nation,” Representative Rogers said. “The planned tearing up of the official copy of President Trump’s speech was beneath contempt and degraded the office of Speaker. She should be ashamed of her juvenile and petty actions. I am proud to be a cosponsor of H. Res. 832 to disapprove of Speaker Pelosi’s behavior. I congratulate my colleague Representative Kay Granger (R-TX) for spearheading this important resolution. It is deeply unfortunate that House Democrats refused to allow an up or down vote today on this resolution.”

“Pelosi ripping apart President Trump’s State of the Union speech reveals how much they hate Donald Trump for winning in 2016, how angry they are that the Senate acquitted President Trump of impeachment wrongdoing, and how upset they are that the Iowa Caucus was so badly mishandled by Iowa’s Democrat Party,” Brooks said. “To a large degree, Speaker Pelosi ripped up President Trump’s speech in hopes her actions would divert public attention from the Iowa Caucus debacle and the greatness of President Trump’s State of the Union address.”

Senate candidate Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said, “Hey Nancy Pelosi — time to rip up your Articles of Impeachment. This sham is finally over!” Byrne released a video of himself ripping up a copy of the Articles of Impeachment against President Trump.

The Democrats have the majority in the House and they predictably back their Speaker on this vote 224 to 193.

Nancy Pelosi is receiving a lot of criticism from Republicans.

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Wednesday, “Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said in a plea for volunteers, “Last night we heard President Trump weave the beautiful story of America in one of the strongest State of the Union speeches ever delivered to our nation. America First is not just a slogan- it is action in motion. The results confirm that President Trump and Republican policies have catapulted our country into historic heights across all categories. While the world watched Nancy Pelosi rip up the president’s speech, they also saw her mean spirited hatred. As she and the Democrats, including Senator Doug Jones, sat down pouting in anger at the great successes we heard, America cheered. I urge you to look past her pettiness. Put your outrage in to action. Honor those who she ripped up by helping us help President Trump by beating Doug Jones.”

Wednesday, Trump Victory Committee member former State Representative Perry O. Hooper Jr. (R-Montgomery) said.

“I thought nothing could be pettier than the Democrats that threw temper tantrums for the cameras while boycotting this important symbol of the strength of our country and our system of government,” Hooper said. “Then Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of the speech. A speech that honored our country and the brave men and women, including the Tuskegee Airman, who fought and died so she could have the right to serve as Speaker of the House. Republican Leader Kevin McCarty said it best, “How petty of Pelosi,” he tweeted. “Ripping up a piece of paper doesn’t change the facts that were written on it — Americans are winning, in spite of the do-nothing Democrats.” For this unbelievable act of spiteful pathetic behavior Speaker Nancy Pelosi must apologize to the President and the American People.”

Trump is using the incident to fundraise and has emailed video of Pelosi ripping the speech to Republican supporters.

“Tuesday night was a great and triumphant evening for our Country,” Pres. Trump said. “While I gave a perfect State of the Union Address, Nancy threw a temper tantrum and ripped up the copy of the speech I gave her. She truly hates America.” “The Do Nothing Democrats are furious that, unlike previous Presidents, I’ve kept my promises to the American People and now America is WINNING like never before. Nancy’s actions were an absolute disgrace and she is everything that is wrong with the Washington Swamp. When I ran for President, I told you I would DRAIN THE SWAMP, and that is exactly what I plan on doing, starting with Nancy. There’s no better way to show her just how much Americans have REJECTED her than by fundraising off her little stunt, which is why I want to raise another TWO MILLION DOLLARS in the NEXT 24 HOURS.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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