Wednesday, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Donald J. Trump (R) on both articles of impeachment. Senate candidate former Auburn head football Coach thanked “God for answering our prayers.”
Tuberville called the Articles of Impeachment “bogus.”
“I know millions of Alabamians and millions more across the country join me in thanking God for answering our prayers and guiding President Trump safely through Nancy Pelosi’s bogus impeachment effort,” Tuberville said. “History’s greatest president can now return his full attention to guiding the world’s greatest nation.”
Tuberville was critical of U.S. Senator Doug Jones for voting to convict the President on both counts.
“When Doug Jones cast his impeachment vote with the Democrat leadership instead of the Alabamians he swore an oath to represent, the leopard showed his spots,” Tuberville stated. “It’s time for Doug Jones to buy a one-way ticket to California and live with his liberal donors and supporters.”
Tuberville is running for the seat currently held by Sen. Jones.
“Alabama must send President Trump a senator who will fight alongside him and support his agenda through thick and thin,” Tuberville stated.
Tuberville also attacked GOP rivals former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose.
“As attorney general, Jeff Sessions abandoned our president when he needed him most, and Bradley Byrne demanded that Donald Trump step down as the Republican nominee in 2016,” Tuberville stated. “Capitol Hill already has enough cut-and-run congressmen and sunshine patriots. Alabama doesn’t need to elect another one. We must elect a senator who understands the meaning of the word ‘loyalty’ and lives by it.”
Tuberville has been criticized by his critics for his stated belief that Trump was sent by God; but he doubled down on that assertion on Wednesday.
“I remain convinced that God sent us Donald Trump because He knew our nation was in trouble,” Tuberville told reporters. “I’m ready to go to Washington and help our president but things back on track.
Trump was acquitted on the allegation that he abused power 52 to 48. On the charge of obstruction of Congress he was acquitted 53 to 47. Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, voted guilty on the count of abuse of power. Romney was the only Senator to cross party lines. The President’s impeachment ordeal is now over.
Trump Victory National Finance Committee member former State Representative Perry O. Hooper Jr., R-Montgomery, told the Alabama Political Reporter: ”Hopefully now the farce impeachment is over we can get back to President Trump‘s bipartisan Agenda: rebuilding America’s infrastructure, making healthcare more affordable and fighting the opioid crisis.”
Hooper told APR that, “The Democrats have given the Republicans a powerful weapon in their effort to take back the house next November. Nancy Pelosi has bragged that the stain of impeachment will be with the President forever.”
GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California), in line to be speaker if Republicans regain the majority in the November election, disagrees.
“This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in history,” McCarthy told the press on Wednesday. “I don’t think it should stay on the books.”
“If McCarthy does indeed take the gavel from Pelosi in 2021, he will hold immense power to pass legislation — and a vote on expungement of the impeachment articles almost certainly would yield party-line support,” Hooper predicted.
There was never a serious chance that the Democrats could get enough votes to convict and remove President Trump. Three presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives. The Senate has never convicted or removed an American President.
The Republican Primary is on March 3.