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Alabama Republicans celebrate acquittal of Donald Trump


Wednesday, the U.S. Senate acquitted President Donald J. Trump (R) on both Articles of Impeachment. Alabama Republicans celebrated the acquittal.

“Today’s vote by the U.S. Senate to acquit President Trump confirms what the majority of Alabamians have known all along – that this impeachment sham perpetrated by the Democrats was nothing more than a hyper-partisan mission for the sole purpose of undoing the 2016 election,” Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said. “The majority of our United States Senators saw this charade for exactly what it was and voted accordingly.”

“I would like to extend our gratitude to Alabama’s Republican U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby,” Lathan added. “His vote to acquit shows he is not only a man of his convictions but also respects the will of the majority of his constituents.”

“Today I joined the majority of my Senate colleagues in justly voting to acquit the President of both impeachment charges,” Sen. Shelby said. “Throughout this process, I had the opportunity to hear arguments from the House managers and the President’s counsel, review the presented evidence, and study relevant portions of the Constitution. After several days of deliberation, I believe that neither charge constitutes an impeachable offense as defined by our Framers. The House managers’ case was nothing more than an abuse of the power of impeachment itself. For the sake of the American people, it is time to put this behind us and move on. I look forward to getting back to our legislative duties for the good of our country.”

Alabama House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R – Rainsville) released a statement saying that the all of the members of the Alabama House Republican Caucus are “celebrating” the vote to acquit.

“I join all of the members of the Alabama House Republican Caucus in celebrating President Trump’s acquittal by the U.S. Senate,” Ledbetter said. “By any measure, the House managers failed to prove their case, and the impeachment articles were shown to be nothing more than partisan political weapons passed by angry and disgruntled Democrats.”

“The Democrats’ partisan impeachment charade has been a national tragedy,” Senate candidate former Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. “In our Republic’s 243-year history, the House of Representatives has only twice undertaken and approved articles of impeachment against a President — and then only with clear and compelling evidence,” Senate candidate and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. “As I have stated from the beginning on multiple national and local news programs, it was clear that the evidence put forward by Speaker Pelosi and Representative Schiff was nowhere close to justifying an impeachment, much less the removal, of the President. Yet the House Democrats deliberately doubled down, and voted to impeach. When their flimsy charges were exposed in the Senate, Congressional Democrats, aided by Alabama’s Senator Doug Jones, sought to change the narrative by demanding to hear from additional witnesses. But all of their machinations could not change the fundamental truth: the facts of the case did not support their impeachment charge.”

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“Doug Jones is deeply complicit in this grave wrong,” Sessions added. “In voting to remove our duly-elected President, Doug Jones personifies the left’s irrational enmity against President Trump. Jones is a foot soldier for Chuck Schumer and the radical left, and he has made it clear that he is in the U.S. Senate to represent Washington Democrats, not the people of Alabama. Now, thankfully, this impeachment charade has ended. Now, we must focus on the future, the business of the American people. Congress, including Republicans, must give full focus to advancing the people’s agenda. Much has been accomplished, but more needs to be done.”

“Doug Jones proved to be among those who weaponized impeachment against our president, and he ignored the desires of the majority of Alabamians with his vote on the Senate floor,” Ledbetter added. “Thanks to the leadership of President Trump – along with the leadership of Gov. Kay Ivey and the policies enacted by this Republican Legislature – Alabama continues to set records for low unemployment and high business investment, and our future looks brighter than ever.”

“Impeachment was a gigantic waste of time and taxpayer dollars,” Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said on social media. “Socialist Democrats should be ashamed for foisting this unfortunate, political distraction on the unwilling American people. Now that President Trump has rightly been acquitted, exonerated, and completely vindicated, I hope we can return to focusing on the public policy issues that face America.”

“President Trump has been exonerated,” Senate candidate Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said. “Democrats should finally accept the results of the 2016 election and move on. Congress has wasted untold time, effort and taxpayer money on this partisan sham, and we should get back to work immediately by turning to issues that actually matter to the American people.”

“Years from now, history will see Nancy Pelosi’s abuse of the impeachment power to weaken Donald Trump as a stain on her legacy, but I predict the American people will make Democrats regret this baseless partisan witch hunt as soon as this November,” Byrne added.

“After three years, the Democrats’ attempted coup based on lies and falsehoods has finally failed. I applaud the Senate for putting an end to this baseless witch hunt,” Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said. “Shame on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Adam Schiff for putting our nation through such a travesty of justice solely for their petty political purposes. Democrats are not only sore losers from the 2016 election, but also jealous of the phenomenal job and many accomplishments of President Trump. Democrats need to get over it and accept the fact that Donald Trump is our president.”

“For over three years, the radical Left has been dead-set on taking down President Trump and overturning the will of the people,” Congressional candidate former State Representative Bill Hightower said. “Today’s vote by the U.S. Senate to acquit President Trump is long overdue. It is time for the Congress to get back to work for the people who elected them. I am running for Congress to be a voice for Alabama Values and to be an ally of President Trump’s America First Agenda, and I will work to make sure Democrats do not take our nation down this dangerous path again during the President’s second term.”

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“Now that the President has been rightfully acquitted, it’s time to move on,” said Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville). “With this behind us, this is a new beginning for the President and our nation to focus on growing our economy, strengthening our military and restoring our values. America can lead this century just like we led the last century. I call on all Americans to join with us to work towards an even better and brighter future.”

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) was the only Senator to vote against their party when he voted to convict President Trump on the count of abuse of power. On that county, Trump was acquitted on a vote of 52 to 48. On the second count, obstruction of justice, Trump was acquitted on a vote of 53 to 47.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham issued the following statement in part:

“The Senate voted to reject the baseless articles of impeachment, and only the President’s political opponents—all Democrats, and one failed Republican presidential candidate—voted for the manufactured impeachment articles,” Grisham wrote. “In what has now become a consistent tradition for Democrats, this was yet another witch-hunt that deprived the President of his due process rights and was based on a series of lies . . . Throughout this wholly corrupt process, President Trump successfully advanced the interests of the United States and remained focused on the issues that matter to Americans. He spent his time achieving real victories for the people of this country, and the Democrats—once again—have nothing to show for their fraudulent schemes.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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