Monday, Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) said in an email to constituents that Democrats have nothing to show for their first year in the majority.
“Democrats have now entered their second year of controlling the House and they still have nothing to show for it,” Aderholt said. “They spent the first year trying to find ways to overturn the 2016 election and it appears this year will be no different.”
The Democrats elected House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) as Speaker of the House after they assumed control of the House for the first time since 2010.
“Speaker Pelosi insisted impeachment was urgent for our national security, yet she waited nearly four weeks to finally transmit the articles to the Senate,” Aderholt continued. “So, now Democrats have carried this partisan and inappropriate impeachment into a new year. I think it’s because they have no true plans or ideas for improving our nation, they are just obsessed with trying to remove Donald Trump from office. Now, Democrats have carried this partisan and inappropriate impeachment into a new year because they are obsessed with trying to remove Donald Trump from office.”
On Friday, the Republican Senate majority rejected Democratic House managers’ request to subpoena witnesses in the Senate trial.
“I am confident that the Senate will quickly acquit the President of any wrongdoing and return to regular order,” Aderholt continued. “Maybe then Democrats will accept the results of the 2016 election and start working for the American people, but I’m not holding my breath.”
While there is virtually zero chance that Trump is actually removed by the Senate, Democrats hope that the impeachment will help them defeat Trump in the general election.
On Thursday, Pres. Trump signed the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) on trade.
“Everybody said, “It’s impossible to do. It’ll never, never take place,” trade deals like this,” Trump said during the bill signing ceremony. “And then we’ve built our military, we’ve cut taxes. We’ve taken care of regulations, cut more than any other President in the history of our country. And we did that in three years instead of eight years, or in one case, more. And we protect our Second Amendment. We protect our Second Amendment. So we’ve done all these things. And, remember, the tax cut was the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. And what do they do? They impeach you.”
Congressman Robert Aderholt is serving in his twelfth term representing Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District.